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[EarlyCareer] The C-1 Balloon [1.0]

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Hello everybody!

This Plane is a very early Career plane, and only has tech from "aviation" tech and behind. (a.k.a no "90" sci cost)

This was already posted in my rocket builders thread, but i said to myself "i will share the craft to everybody" so here we are.

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High maneuverality, speed and fuel describe this beauty of early aviation tech

Its FREE to use and dont be ashamed to place it on your career, just make sure you have the right techs (because that would be bad)

PD: Has a security decoupler/parachute

"Where's the link"



Hope you enjoy it!


--Feel free to leave comments!

Edited by SpectreBubble
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Love this plane! While everyone is posting high tech stuff, I'm sitting here in career mode annoyed I can't use any of it until I get more science. But here you have something that's available early. Stable and great distance (made a trip to the north pole with this and still had half fuel left). Highly recommend it and hope to see more early career rockets and planes cropping up soon!

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