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Get to launch pad screen goes black then gets stuck in the space view and space center unavailable

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Once I click to launch a vehicle the pad and vessel appear for a second then the screen goes black. I press escape and it will take me back to the VAB, if i try to launch again it is black. If i go to the space center the screen is a space view similar to the map view however everything (celestial bodies) are mission and the view can be panned but is stuck at a single spot. From here my only option is to restart the game, but this happens each time. Once it is stuck in the space view I am unable to access anything except the esc menu to go back to the main menu.

This is a new issue since 1.0 dropped. Was able to play the previous versions fine.

I have played around with the graphics settings. Adjusting the resolutions and windowed mode. force opengl and not. Lower graphics settings.

Some specs:

Asus G75VW

Intel i7



1920 X 1080 X 60Hz

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Did it look like this?

This is the result I got on a PC with Windows 7 64-bit.

Intel i7


NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

1920 X 1080 X 60Hz and other resolutions (tried different resolutions: the result is the same everytime.)

(On a Windows 7.1 64-bit, two addons: Kerbal Alarm Clock and Lazor Docking Camera (last version))

After removing of addons: same result.

Reinstalling KSP 1.0 solved this problem for me.

Edited by BaryonicMan
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I have this problem as well (exactly as it's depicted in the video). Going to try reinstalling.

No edit: Turns out that it was the mod Time Control. It causes precisely that thing to happen when it's installed. Didn't initially realize this was in the unmodded support subforum.

Unfortunate. Now if we want to use extra planet mods like Outer Planets Mod, we'll have to just sit and wait for a long time.

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