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Physic-Heat overlay state not updated on destroyed staged radial decouplers attachments points

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KSP Version: 1.0.830 Windows 32bit

What Happens: When switching off heat overlay, the remaining parts (attachment points) of a previous staged radial decoupler keep their overlay on.

Mods / Add-Ons: None

Steps to Replicate:

1) Put a rocket with a radial decoupler on the launch pad

2) Enable heat overlay from the debug menu (Alt+F12 - Physic / Thermal / Thermal Debug Color)

3) Stage the radial decoupler (space bar) and wait for it to get destroyed


4) Disable heat overlay from the debug menu (see 2)

[*] Leaving it on default ejection force should do the trick. Refer to picture in doubt.

Result: The attachements point of the radial decoupler are still red (heat overlay is still on) (see picture)

Severity: Very low (debug menu enabled function)

Fixes/Workarounds: Make sure the decoupler ejected section isn't destroyed

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:

Any decoupler does the trick. It should be a pretty obvious fix. I initially figured that out in flight, so i'm assuming it's not a corner case at all.


If the part survives, i'm unable to reproduce. Makes sense. See below (ejection force was zero, and the part was placed very low).


Edited by Captain H@dock
Extra reproduction info (decoupler needs to blow up)
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