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SCP Discussion Megathread


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Okay, I recently watched this video from a YouTube person I watch a lot, named CavemanFilms.

Let me just say, I never thought I would be scared by a gaming YouTube video.

Googled SCP, I got this. http://www.scp-wiki.net/

Anyone know more about this so called, SCP?


Edit: Watched too many of these SCP videos, literally, I am shaking right now.

I read SCP\'s

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Oh god what.


The infection increases the host\'s lactation rate, or if the host is not lactating causes it to begin doing so. It appears that any mammal is susceptible to infection regardless of gender. The initial symptoms of the disease have a rapid onset but are relatively minor: swelling of mammary gland tissue (causing breast development in males) and increased sensitivity of the nipples in both males and females. On average a human of either gender in this stage of the disease will produce between 0.5 and 1 liters of milk per day. If this milk is extracted on a regular basis, with milking intervals of no less than once every eight hours, the disease appears to remain stable indefinitely in this state. Milking can be performed with a standard off-the-shelf breast pump.
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Experiment 387-e: Once a normal community of 387 was constructed, a small mound of Megablocks (a common copy of Lego) was placed near the community. When this happened, everything constructed of 387 stopped moving, turned slowly towards the Megablocks and [EXPUNGED].

That\'s just too good.

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...That was scary. Sorry for the double post but you need to know this ASAP.

SCP Containment Breach has SCP-650. It\'s hardcoded into the game, and you can\'t find it but on special occasions.

Be very careful, mainly due to a heart attack. But, it just scares you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oooookay, looked at the page, realized I had no reason to be scared, read the article, was scared.

Also, no need to be mad at me... jeez.

I wasn\'t mad at you, I was mad at there not being a picture.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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