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Moved Parts.....


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I have several craft files that are broken because they use tanks that were found in the NASAMissions folder and now that folder no longer exists. It looks like the parts were moved to the standard Squad Part folder. Was this on purpose or did I maybe not get a complete install (via Steam)? Any suggestions for correcting? I have well over a dozen craft I really don't want to have to re-build from scratch.

And another question......why would Squad move the parts between folders knowing full well it is going to break every craft using them?

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The V1.0 release notes stated that the NASA parts were indeed moved into the Squad folder.

The only way to save your crafts is to use an text editor like Notepad++ to find/replace references to the old parts with the new part names.

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I didn't realize that craft files referred to the part's file path and not just a part ID. That's interesting. Well, they did state that 1.0 was going to break everything.

I'm pretty sure they DON'T refer to the path.

I imagine they just changed some of the names to be less silly...

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I imagine they just changed some of the names to be less silly...

Which seems a bit of a silly thing to do, really. Where the names causing a problem in the was the game functions? If it was for neatness, why is neatness more important than giving players trouble? Sure, maybe some things might have been going to break in 1.0 anyway, but saves and craft files have often turned out more resilient than thought.

Seems odd to add extra problems.

At least, if we identify the parts that changed, it's relatively simple to fix. Just a bit of a bother.

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