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Disappearing Spaceships

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Verson 1.0.0 (Steam)

My system specs:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66Ghz


GPU: Ati Radeon HD 6850, 1024Mb

Motherboard: ASRock 4Core-1600 GLAN

I've had this glitch occur twice on separate missions, but both were during return flights and the craft were within Kerbin's atmosphere when it happened.

I was returning a rescued Kerbal from orbit using two MKI pods. I'd also attached chutes to a third stage in the hope of being able to recover it. As you might expect, I was switching between the three using the square brackets quite frequently.

Suddenly, one of my pods vanished from existence! The events log showed that the Kerbal inside had been killed, but there was no mention of the pod colliding with the surface, overheating, or anything else. On both occasions the vanished pod was high in the air (Maybe around 8000m) with chutes deployed and showing no signs of distress. The other craft , which was lower and always going to land first, landed perfectly and there was no sight or sound of a crashed ship anywhere.

The Kerbal who disappeared from the space/time continuum was listed as being dead in the Astronaut Centre afterwards.

Thanks for reading.

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This is whats called, a vanishment.

If a piece of debris exceeds 2.5km, the game will remove it from existence.

It's done to remove lag from game and improve performance, so sorry for your kerbals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now in atmo i believe its a 10km distance roughly. Debris might be dissapear closer, so make sure you dont actually mark vessels as debris (they shouldnt be debris by default if they ahve any command pod/units availeable). Anyways, if this happens thats what reverts are for, no need to throw away the kerbals (even if im playing without reverts i always keep revert option availeable to fix game bugs and kraken attacks. While i accept losses if they are my own stupid fault, i refuse to allow my kerbals to be sacrificed to teh kraken (or any other game bug).

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