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The Great Kerbal Space Race

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The Great Kerbal Space Race is a community challenge to play a campaign of Kerbal Space Program 1.0 together. Each week I will set a challenge and players compete to finish the challenge first (by the game's clock). I will be awarding points to those who compete, those who are stylish, and those who are fastest!

~~This Week's Challenge~~

.Get at least one Kerbal to the surface of the Mun and back in one piece.

To join the race simply prove you completed the challenge by emailing me (peter (at) tinypirate.com) screenshots with the game time (not the mission time) on them and your nickname and I'll add you to the leaderboard I'm going to keep running. If you're new to KSP, check out Scott Manley's excellent

- it should give you some pointers.

Feel free to come discuss the challenge here, share your ideas, successes and failure.

Edited by TinyPirate
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Yeah, disallowing do-overs, but it is an honesty system (I can't check, after all!). KSP is very stable for me, but if that isn't the case for you then work something out for yourself in the spirit of the challenge! :)

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Hey, good job! We are now into the last 8 hours of this challenge. It is gusting 130kmph here, which makes recording sound pretty hard, so I won't get a video on the challenge our tonight, but I will before the weekend (ideally, if we aren't blown off this hill).

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I know that it won't count as I am past the deadline, but I wanted to share anyway. Got to the Mun nearly 5 hours into Day 2, after a few launchpad science missions, a couple of part tests, a launch to space, and finally an orbital mission. Unlocked just what I felt was needed in the tech tree. As you can see, my landing on the Mun was somewhat of a .... failure. Despite my best efforts, slowing to about 1m/s before landing, I managed to tip over my top heavy design. Unsure of what would ensue, I even attempted to record my efforts to take off, but sadly, the video decided it wanted to end up corrupted. I extended my landing legs, and tried rolling down the hill. After burning through about 1/3 of my remaining charge, I managed to get the nose far enough up in the air that I was able to throttle up the engine, and take off. Never again Jebidiah, never again! After all that, I nearly ran out of fuel on my return trip, getting the appropriate periapsis as to allow reentry.

While it won't count towards the first mission, I was hoping that by posting, I will at least establish a completion time for the first stage, to get a more accurate measure from here on out.

EDIT: I do have RemoteTech installed at the moment for my other saves, but if unmanned probes come up, will be sure to uninstall it.








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Thanks for all the awesome entries. It's still too damn windy here for me to record so if anyone wants to get an entry in a bit late you are welcome to do so. Very frustrating but it's blowing a gale and I can't record with all that background noise!

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That's the general idea - a new career just for this space race.

i might have been misunderstood. i did the challenge and i want to improve my run can i do that with a brand new save?

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If you want to have another go, feel free to start over and try again. I will try and film tonight, so you have about 12 hours to get your entry in. Weather has FINALLY eased off so I can record!

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