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Quality of the Low-Tier Buildings

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NOTE: Before you guys get mad at me, I am NOT trying to bash the art team. You can tell that lots of time went into making the building models, and I appreciate all the work from SQUAD! But still...

Couldn't the Low-Tier Buildings use some improvement? I mean, consider the amazing models that we got from bac9. They had a ton of thought put into them. They were made to look efficient and realistic. They were given a few "Kerbal" touches, but for the most part, it was a fully functioning space center. That was one of the big things about KSP - you were given access to an entire space center with the freedom to do whatever you wanted. And that is why I sincerely hope that everyone at SQUAD has at least read through part of this blog post:


There's some great stuff in there, guys. So why does it look like the art team didn't even try to continue that style? Again, I'm not bashing them or anything. I just wish that they had followed the style advice in that blog post.

Since that post is pretty long, I tried to summarize it. Let's look at the problems with the "new" (really, considering game progression, the old?) KSC...

  1. Too much... blue. Seriously, what happened to the old concrete style? It was like that even before the revamp.
  2. *lolsokerbal* The KSC should be quirky and enthusiastic. Not held together with literal duct-tape. I mean, with the rioting over the barn, you'd think SQUAD would notice how much their community hates this mindset. With a passion. A slightly over-dramatic passion, but still!
  3. Needs more detail. Just a little bit of detail, not too much. But an SPH roof that looks like it was polished clean?
  4. Dem upgrades. I think this is more of an Easter Egg, but did anyone else notice that your Tier-2 Tracking Station is just an under-construction Tier 3? :P
  5. THE STYLE. My god, the style. It just doesn't match. You quite literally go from a blue-themed launch site, to a slightly-upgraded launch site, to... a massive concrete spaceport at your disposal. This is the biggest one IMO.

Like I said, I'm not a 3D designer. These are all taken from bac9's blog post and my own experiences playing the game. And they're still valid. Please, SQUAD, when 1.1 or 1.2 comes around, give your art team TIME to revamp the KSC. They're all skilled level-5 Artist kerbonauts and none of us are denying it. Just follow the advice this guy gave you and I know the KSC could look like a proper spaceport once again.

Note to everyone else... do you guys know where the old bac9 Advice Posts went? They had some great comments but I could only find the one above.

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