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can the F9 hold setting be changed to you press F9 and a pop up box and a little message saying hey this will push u back by 3yrs 18 days and the persistent save will auto update to that once u press yes to the bottom question would u still like to revert ?

i lifted my keyboard up to sort the legs and went that far back in my game it went back to the beginning all progress was lost :(

big hugs

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Woah, you lost three game years worth? Was this all on one big playthrough or something? I think that reloading saves won't go back across multiple play sessions.

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I quite often use quick-loads to practice something, when doing that I quick-load a lot, so having an extra mouse click in that workflow would be annoying. If it was just a matter of hitting enter to confirm that would be ok, but most of the UI is mouse driven and not keyboard sensitive so that's a more annoying interaction.

I agree KSP's save system is a bit simple, which is partly why I wrote Jebretary - automatically adds all quick saves and autosaves into version control, so you could do several quicksaves in a row and then go back to which ever one you wanted. You can also load any past autosave as a quicksave. It also does the same sort of thing for craft so you can rewind a craft to how it was at any past version.

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