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Fairings and why would they need to be closed?

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I am not sure if I am missing something, and to be honest I like the idea of fairings but I do have some trouble with them.

  • Why are do you have to close them in the end, it would be great if they could be used for engine fairings. If you close them you end up with fairing bits inside your rocket, which generally results in a RUD (rapid unplanned disassemble)

  • The textures don't quite do it for me: I haven't found a single part that they nicely match with, the yellow band jumps out to much for my liking, and why I like clean looking parts, they don't quite fit in the current texture scheme

Anybody else any thoughts on this?

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You can close the fairing on parts. For example you can use them as interstage, Apollo style fairings. You just close it in around the part and it doesn't merge inside it just locks onto the outside of the part.

As for the colours, i like them, but i suppose you might be able to change the texture for them with module manager but i have no idea how.

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@worir4 I noticed that and it works nicely on the top part of a Saturn, it becomes impossible when lets say you have clipped 4 of the largest tanks for the lower stage of the Saturn V, have your fairing and then have the second stage on top. I failed to close it properly. If it was possible to just pull the fairing all the way up to the bottom edge of the next stage and stop it there I would be very happy :)

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You can make engine fairings (or general interstage fairings) with them, it's just a bit tricky and frustrating sometimes.


If there is ANY part obstructing where the fairing is going to go (or even a bit close to it) then it won't form an interstage and it won't form to oddly shaped things.

I've also found a quite interesting bug that happens with the craft in the above pic; if a fairing panel gets stuck in another part when you jettison them then you won't be able to time warp (it say can't timewarp while moving over terrain) and the orbit in map mode disappears leaving just the Ap/Pe markers flickering about all over the place. more details on that here

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  • 5 months later...
  katateochi said:
You can make engine fairings (or general interstage fairings) with them, it's just a bit tricky and frustrating sometimes.


If there is ANY part obstructing where the fairing is going to go (or even a bit close to it) then it won't form an interstage and it won't form to oddly shaped things.

Sorry to necro this thread, but I have the exact same trouble as the last poster:

My fairing just won't and won't close:


and this although there are not parts sticking out or even close to, below or above the fairing:


I don't get it. Are there any techniques that can be used to fix that?

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  Kobymaru said:
Sorry to necro this thread, but I have the exact same trouble as the last poster:

My fairing just won't and won't close:


and this although there are not parts sticking out or even close to, below or above the fairing:


I don't get it. Are there any techniques that can be used to fix that?

You've pulled the fairing up too high. It should only just touch. Look for the fairing text to turn blue. That's the point where you can lock it to be an interstage fairing.

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  Tex_NL said:
You've pulled the fairing up too high. It should only just touch. Look for the fairing text to turn blue. That's the point where you can lock it to be an interstage fairing.

Thanks, but I've tried that. The fairing never turns blue, no matter how carefully I touch it.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 10/28/2015 at 5:08 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

They can be finicky to place. I've found that sometimes I need the first segment to be a small step out to get them to work properly, even when there's nothing in the way.


I've had this problem recently, and it is the most annoying thing ever. I can just absolutely not get the thing to close in the interstage no matter what I do. It's on a Saturn V replica, and the interstages were working fine. I open it in the editor again, and suddenly fairings just seem to stop working properly. They will close over the whole craft, just not the interstage, or for that matter anywhere on the entire craft. Even after removing and replacing all parts attached to the fairing (the tank below it, the fuel tank it's being attached to, and the stuff inside the fairing)


I then tried the Stock Bugfix Modules, which include several fixes for fairings. Even that didn't help. Only after creating a totally new craft did the fairing work.


Am I the only one who is thinking that perhaps the fairings are a tad bit inherently buggy and they should just be redone from scratch?

Edited by GregroxMun
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Yeah I had this problem too. Removing fairing and all parts it covers may or may not help. There is also other bug if  you stage without jetisoning fairing first, engines inside will refuse to activate. But I'm not complaining. Biggest, most annoying and rocket-destroying fairing problem ever was with LV-N – and that one IS fixed in 1.0.5 :-)

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