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Texture Load Error w/ Procedural Fairings 3.11 in KSP 0.90

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ATM I am running KSP 0.90 until the 1.0 bugs get ironed out, and all the mods I use get updated to 1.0. This may complicate debugging, but I can confirm that until today, this issue did not exist.

However, I ran into a new issue today with Procedural Fairings 3.11; fairing1.tga does not load. It's not a huge issue for me, as I'm running a separate FStextureSwitch2 config with modulemanager to allow me to change between fairing textures (if fairing1.tga is in the MM config it won't load either). As a result, the thumbnails in the VAB for the parts are untextured, but due to the texture switching config, things work fine. If the MM config references any specific texture already mentioned in the base fairing part configs, i.e. fairing1.tga, the same error will appear, and the texture will not appear in FStextureswitch. However, the other textures will load properly.

Attached is an example config for PF (I am running several custom fairing shapes as well) that I use, as well as the MM config I use to add Texture Switch functionality. There have been no issues with this before today. I'm stumped as to what this may be. It may have appeared in Procedural Fairings before, with one other user, but there was no response to his question and it was never resolved.

I will provide additional information if requested.

This is the output.log line in question

Texture load error in 'C:\Users\D\Documents\Gaming\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ProceduralFairings\fairing1.tga'

These are all plugin mods that I use

Toolbar 1.7.8
Contract Configurator 0.7.15
Crew Manifest
CrossFeedEnablercross 3.2
Deadly Reentry 6.4.0
DMagic Orbital Science 1.0
Firespitter (unsure of version, included with MKS)
Habitat Pack 0.4
KJR 3.1.2
Hyperedit 1.3
KM Gimbal 2.2 (I believe)
MechJeb 2.4.2
ModuleRCSFX 3.0
NavyFish Docking Port Alignment Indicator 6.1
Near Future Electrical 0.3.1
Near Future Propulsion 0.4.0
Near Future Solar 0.4.0
PreciseNode 1.1.2
[B]Procedural Fairings 3.11[/B]
RealChute 1.3.1
RemoteTech 1.6.3
SmokeScreen 2.5.3
StockBugFix Modules 0.1.7d
[B]StockDragFix 1.1 (My most recent install, yesterday. Removing it still results in the texture bug)[/B]
ToadicusTools (no version known, 0.90 compat)
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Tweakable Everything (minus TweakableReactionWheels) 1.8
TweakScale 1.50
UbioWelding 2.1.1
Virgin Kalactic
EVAManager (unsure of version)
Modulefixer (unsure of version)
ModuleManager 2.5.13

Image of my Procedural Fairings folder and all contained files


MM Config for Texture Switching

Fairing config example

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