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So, I went on a trip to visit family over the long weekend, won't be back and able to play ksp till tomorrow, but just read a bit of the forums and all I can say is I am shell shocked... What has happened?

I was worried that given some people's reactions to 1.0 we would have a knee-jerk reaction from the devs, and reading this forum that seems to be the way.

I personally loved 1.0 and was really happy with it, having found it quite simple to build anything from planes to SSTO's without having the feeling off it being too easy, and I was really looking forward to continuing my career mode when I got back... So another question I guess is how will it affect that? Will my craft be broken? Will planes fly as silky smooth as they seemed to in 1.0?

I don't get why squad would make this addition, they had experimentals and QA for a reason and imo that showed in a well balanced game in 1.0... Bug fixes I expected but not this.

P.s. I know I could reset the physics to 1.0 if I edited the cfg file, but It's besides the point really, I run stock, never really enjoyed mods or editing files, just my personal choice

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So another question I guess is how will it affect that?

Main changes are that you actually need to use heat shields for re-entry now since parachutes are no longer invincible instant deceleration force-feilds.

The most important engine in the game, LV-N actually works now without blowing up after a couple minutes.

Resource mining actually works now without overheating instantly.

Its a little harder to get into orbit than it was in 1.0, but still much easier than .90

If all you built was planes maybe you never noticed the problems, but if you play it as a spaceprogram and not an airforce 1.0 was ridiculous.

I don't get why squad would make this addition, they had experimentals and QA for a reason and imo that showed in a well balanced game in 1.0... Bug fixes I expected but not this.

If they had them for a reason I don't know what that was. Maybe they spent all their time on bugs and forgot to actually play the game and see that basic gameplay was broken? In any case, the rapid course correction was exactly what they needed. I was *this* close to giving up on KSP when 1.02 came out but my first re-entry brought back all the good feelings I used to have.

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To be fair, i didn't really use chutes for reentry before but I hadn't been of past minmus yet. I found a shallow entry angle and a bit of wobbling around did the trick (my rockets had surfaces for this purpose as I could never find a use for heat shields unless I was willing to discard most of my ship), Is this approach still viable?

I'm glad to hear about mining as I am about to move into that in career (excited!) and the lv-n does sound like an improvement.

I didn't only build planes but planes were like my little toys that I would use to explore. Rockets were more for when I had hours to kill on a well thought out but very rewarding mission. So in regards to planes specifically, how is the handling on say quick turns etc? I loved that in 1.0

Also how do rockets handle now as I did struggle with balance a bit before when turning (I had not gotten Used to it yet since 0.9), which can be a real pain when on no reverts.

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I have to say I'm pretty happy with 1.0.2. So much as been improved or added since 0.90 its insane. :)

The main things I'm complaining about are the memory leaks causing my game to crash all the time, and the strange balance choices for all the parts.

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I have to say I'm pretty happy with 1.0.2. So much as been improved or added since 0.90 its insane. :)

The main things I'm complaining about are the memory leaks causing my game to crash all the time, and the strange balance choices for all the parts.

That's the only thing hampering my fun at the moment. It's like playing with a heavily modded install with the OOM crashes.

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Don't be put off by all the forum chatter. The only major change is that your craft should now have a pointy end for going up and a heat shield is dead weight.

Corrected that for you...

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