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Why was docking mode changed? Now rovers are hard to control properly without disabling torque

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Docking mode used to be really useful for controlling rovers without them tipping over, but now you have to disable torque on everything that creates torque, otherwise there is a higher risk of tipping over. Was there a reason for it being changed?


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I was literally about to create a post for this. I tried docking last night- hit the shift key to budge my vessel forward and instead activated my main engine. Needless to say- what the heck is going on? I can't get any of the docking controls to work. Are the keys wired differently or this a bug?

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I don't know about why they changed things, but for a long time pre-1.0 I have been using KP8, KP2, KP4, and KP6 for rover control and have had no problems at all in 1.0 with rovers. I always leave the torque on, steer and throttle with the keypad, and use WASDQE for torque as needed. A and D work together with KP4 and KP6 to improve steering in tight spaces, while WDQE orient the rover to match the terrain slope on low-gravity worlds. They are also quite useful for landing properly when catching big air :).

So really, really, remap your rover controls and you'll be much happier.

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Thanks, I guess I'll have to remap them then. Still really annoying how they change it for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Does docking mode have a use at all now?

I've never had any use for it at all so can't say.

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I've just realised that Docking Mode controls are based on your secondary keybinds. Put WASD in as secondary keybinds for translation so that is used for translation while docking mode is active. Not sure about rovers yet though.

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Docking mode was changed to make it more useful. Apparently very few people were actually using it at all. (Personally I found it too confusing to have a separate set of controls for docking, and always used the standard mode). It uses the secondary keybindings (for any that are defined) so that is easier to remap it to do, well, anything you want. It's also less clutter in the settings screen. For example I now use it for rovers in situations where the steering controls would conflict with torque, which was always annoying in previous versions.

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Yeah, docking mode was awful. It basically said "you should dock like this" and nobody did.

You now have full control over what each mode does, so even call it "docking mode" is incorrect. I use a flight stick (where on a plane, yaw should be twisting the stick and on a rocket roll should be twisting the stick) so I call it "plane mode" and "rocket mode". You can still configure it to be the old way, just choose secondary controls and set that for docking mode while setting the primary controls for flight mode.

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The very first thing I did after installing KSP 1.0.X was remapping rover controls to IJKL. (And remapping Kerbal headlights to U)

First time I saw some-one using the helmet lights, took me a while to realize it was actually stock 'cause U didn't turn them on.

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First time I saw some-one using the helmet lights, took me a while to realize it was actually stock 'cause U didn't turn them on.

The main reason I remapped the headlights is due to my remapped rover controls. With a Kerbal in a command seat and driving with IJKL is highly annoying as every time you make a right hand turn, [L] will toggle the lights.

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yeah docking mode was infact "rover driving mode" before, and now it needs a bunch of rebinds to work properly (especially if you use RCS as boosters when driving).

I enabled the wheel steering keys to work in Docking(translation) mode, disabled pitch and yaw controls in Docking(translation). Then set W and S to be translate forward and back and Lctrl and LShift to translate up and down (respectively) in Docking(translation) mode.

(and as a side note, to change a keys mode, you also need to re-press the key even if it's the same key, or the change in mode won't get saved)

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