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K.A.R.R.E. LORAX High-altitude reconaissance

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Khyron\'s Appliance Repair and Rocket Engineering presents its first and only aircraft, the LORAX.

The LOng RAnge eXperimental plane is capable of supersonic cruise at 16 km altitude, can easily handle transcontinental flights, and has amazingly good glide characteristics.

The main drawbacks of the craft are a tendency to pitch up, and poor yaw control authority at low speeds. It can also be difficult to land until you are used to the high glide ratio.




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Performance specs:

  • [li]Liftoff speed, full fuel load: 100 m/s at 3 degree nose up.[/li]
    [li]Full throttle cruise: 590 m/s at 16 km altitude (3 tanks empty)[/li]
    [li]40% throttle cruise: 380 m/s at 15.5 km altitude (6 tanks empty)[/li]
    [li]Max altitude sustained flight: 18.2 km, 20 degree nose up, full throttle. 460-480 m/s airspeed. (6 tanks empty)[/li]
    [li]Max altitude with parabolic arc: 23.2 km[/li]
    [li]Engine out glide rate near the ground: 5 m/s descent at level wings, 35 m/s air speed.[/li]

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