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Allow "magic" docking inside cargo bays

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This seems quite doable. On entering time warp check if a vessel is inside a cargo bay and if so just lock it in the same position relative to the main craft. I don't think it would have to be treated like a normal docking at all.

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The position relative must be locked but the cargo mass must be taken into account to create a new center of mass. It could make the idea much more tricky.

CoM doesn't matter for a no-acceleration time warp. Outside time warp, treat it as unsecured and have a high chance of any significant acceleration causing an unplanned disassembly.

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  • 2 months later...
CoM doesn't matter for a no-acceleration time warp. Outside time warp, treat it as unsecured and have a high chance of any significant acceleration causing an unplanned disassembly.

Absolutely. There is no known way to secure cargo except through docking ports. Rope and all the other other things used in cargo aircraft etc. are just totally out of fantasy.

I like the idea, but it should expand to basically fix anything inside a closed cargo bay automatically. Generate the concept of a payload (that is not active, not drained etc.) that is secure until certain G-Forces are exceeded. Obviously heat is a little tricky, but again - this can be handled.

Add this to fairings - suddenly launching a complex satellite will not increase the part count of the launcher that much as anything inside the fairing can be treated as a "box with mass" and does not need full simulation.

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Absolutely. There is no known way to secure cargo except through docking ports. Rope and all the other other things used in cargo aircraft etc. are just totally out of fantasy.

I like the idea, but it should expand to basically fix anything inside a closed cargo bay automatically. Generate the concept of a payload (that is not active, not drained etc.) that is secure until certain G-Forces are exceeded. Obviously heat is a little tricky, but again - this can be handled.

Add this to fairings - suddenly launching a complex satellite will not increase the part count of the launcher that much as anything inside the fairing can be treated as a "box with mass" and does not need full simulation.

Not as an alternative to the original suggestion, but an addition, building on some things that have been brought up: cargo restraints. Empty, they would appear like an empty pallet or a "bomb rack". When securing a load, straps, clamps or a cargo net would be rendered around the load. The restraint unit would be attached to the interior surface of a bay, and would function like the claw - docking upon contact. But with a lower required contact force. Would be available in different sizes to suit different bays and payloads.

As I said, this is in addition to the original suggestions. Handling unsecured cargo, and its consequences, in a realistic manner would be nice.

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This is a great idea. I currently use a docking port inside the cargo bay to dock things once in space, but i cant really place what i want in them in the construction building, save for a jumbo fuel tank with a radial decupler. yea that works, but if I want to place a lander in it, it will not be centered in the bay and landing gear willl stick out.

So yea magic docking would be cool, and an easier ability to place things in them before launch

EDIT- Oh and GregroxMun your banner is great (still like Spore but they could have done a better job lol)

Edited by fireblade274
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