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Burn with SAS causing 'wobble'.

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Hi.. I wonder if someone can clear a few things up for me.

Most of my rockets suffer the same issue:

When making a burn and using SAS to hold to the 'manoeuvre point' (blue cross hair) my craft often gets into an oscillating wobble. This is exaggerated in long craft, but present in all but the very smallest. (often doing a ~100km orbit burn for example)

Turning SAS off stops this wobble, but then I have trouble keeping an accurate burn.

I can surmise this issue is caused by the SAS 'correcting' and then 'over correcting' and getting into an oscillating wobble.

Is this poor ship design (too little SAS, too much SAS, too much trust/mass etc), a game issue (bug) or something else?

Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks

Edited by Watoh
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Hi.. I wonder if someone can clear a few things up for me.

Most of my rockets suffer the same issue:

When making a burn and using SAS to hold to the 'manoeuvre point' (blue cross hair) my craft often gets into an oscillating wobble. This is exaggerated in long craft, but present in all but the very smallest. (often doing a ~100km orbit burn for example)

Turning SAS off stops this wobble, but then I have trouble keeping an accurate burn.

I can surmise this issue is caused by the SAS 'correcting' and then 'over correcting' and getting into an oscillating wobble.

Is this poor ship design (too little SAS, too much SAS etc), a game issue (bug) or something else?

Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks

SAS is currently known to have the wobbles (perhaps it just gave up drinking?) when using any heading lock other than the standard setting. You'll be far better off just using the stability control and pointing it at the maneuver node yourself.

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SAS is currently known to have the wobbles (perhaps it just gave up drinking?) when using any heading lock other than the standard setting. You'll be far better off just using the stability control and pointing it at the maneuver node yourself.

Cheers.. so you're saying its a game bug?

(i can work around it..I thought it was rocket design..)

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It feels to me like a game bug. I'll click for a moment on something like the maneuver hold button. Wait for the SAS to start to turn the ship in the "general" direction of the marker. And then take control and actually do it right. once i'm lined up with the marker, i'll turn on the "stability assist" or whatever it's called. And then it seems to hold it just fine.

I find that the game won't move the ship in the exact direction to get to a point on the nav ball. It's always making corrections. And then it always overshoots the marker. And it makes way too many micro corrections once it's on the marker. It's horrible really, I don't even use it. Makes me wonder how they left experimentals with it being the way that it is.

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