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Star wars Battlefront 2 and Star wars Republic commando worth playing on the PC?


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Is Star wars Battlefront 2 and Star wars Republic commando for the pc worth playing in 2015 and do these two games work on Windows 8.1 out the box and what is the replay value of these two Star wars games and are these two games playable in 2015?

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Republic commando is fun to play once or twice then it gets kind of boring although it is good while you do play it.

Battlefront is pretty awesome and you can replay it over and over, however i think you might want to wait for number 3 to be released and then get that instead.

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however i think you might want to wait for number 3 to be released and then get that instead.

Sadly I don't think the new battlefront will be worth getting, Battlefront 2 has more content, so I would go with that, also it will stay on steam.

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I have windows 8.1 and Battlefront II works great! It was on sale for less than 3 dollars (or something like that) on steam for the "May The 4th Be With You" sale. I'll just say I've sunk more hours into Battlefront II then I care to admit (though I had a few buddies who liked to play with me). I can't speak for other people, but I've personally found a lot of replay value. Republic Commando is a good game, though I haven't played it on Windows 8 (Yet) I've heard it works fine. One thing to keep in mind is that official multi-player services have been discontinued (for both titles), though there are still ways to play on servers.

Edited by Ival70
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I have only played Republic Commando on ye old Xbox, but I found it a very immersive game!

The presentation of the HUD really helps with that.

And unlike most FPSes, the game was pretty tough!

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