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Contracts: Orbit Decay Rescue

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I feel like a majority of the missions involving resucing X kerbal or retrieving X spacecraft have become rather monotonous. And I feel that by the time that someone has reached Minimus that they have the capacity for a larger challenge. I propose that after some quantity of playtime decaying orbits be introduced as rescue or retrieval contracts.

Ex: "Bob must be rescued before he hits the atmosphere/ground"

Orbital Char: Periapsis 100km

Apoapsis 45km

Bob would currently be at the point that gave you the most time to intercept, but it is still time sensitive and requires proper launch timing etc.

Problems: Clearly it would be difficult to make this mission entirely possible as the objective must pass over the KSC and acheiving an intercept would be hard without the added effort of then safely wrangling the craft and preventing it from burning up, but i maintain it would be a fun mechanic or at least a fun scenario to play around with. Opinions?

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I would very much like something like this, as long as the periapsis isn't too low. As long as the the target has a solid 6 or 7 orbits before it actually comes in for lithobraking, it would easily be a doable contract.

Of course this is assuming that Squad changes it so that unloaded vessels actually slow down in the atmosphere.

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Howabout if a contract sent you to rescue a craft on a 50km circular orbit? It can give you a short completion time limit to make up for the craft not decaying while you set up your rendezvous mission, and once you get there, it'll be tough to get them out of the craft safely before re-entry effects become too intense.

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I feel like even having a Kerbal in an immediately threatened position would be doable. I've learned how to take off from Kerbin and rendezvous with a craft almost immediately after entering space. Again so long as they started like 40 seconds after their in-atmosphere periaps. Which would be in space at that point.

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