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Assorted Atmospheric Bombers Challenge

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So I called it the BooBoo and technically it's a Light Bomber... -

Base time: 17 minutes, therefore 60-17 = 43

6 FLT400 bombs @ 8 each; 48

91 points + Space Boy bonus (although the rules do not stipulate whether it needs to be able to achieve orbit with or without the payload..... Without payload it will do it as is. With payload, well need to add a smidge more oxidizer or fly more efficiently so happy for you to remove this from my score pending rule clarification)

Total 101

Also, I'm sorry for my 90t "light" bomber...



1. Fuel drop tanks? Yes-no?

2. Merged together bombs? As in, one big x2 FLT-400 bomb for ease of drop?

EDIT: So I attempted a run with my XB-44 'Sabre' today, hopeful that I could snatch the speed record while carrying an acceptable bomb load. But the game crashed on the way back. Here are the final seconds of that attempt:


  1. Since I said, "Must be able to take off and land at the KSC Runway in one piece!", I think that means no drop tanks. Yes, drop tanks allowed. It would probably be advantageous, maybe?
  2. I'll accept joined bombs ONLY if they are joined Radially (side by side???), not Stacked.


Since you have no pictures of your BooBoo going into orbit, I won't add the Space Boy bonus until I receive video or pictures of your BooBoo in orbit. Like they say, "Pics or it didn't happen"

Also, thank you for participating!

Edited by TrainEngie
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Strictly speaking, if you ban drop tanks on the grounds of 'take off and land in one piece', you cannot qualify any aircraft that doesn't return its bomb load. Drop tanks are a rather conventional technology. I'm not sure why you would ban them.

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Strictly speaking, if you ban drop tanks on the grounds of 'take off and land in one piece', you cannot qualify any aircraft that doesn't return its bomb load. Drop tanks are a rather conventional technology. I'm not sure why you would ban them.

Good point. I'll make some changes to the requirements.

Okay, since that becomes confusing, I'll allow drop tanks, but the fuel must not come from the bombs themselves.

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This is my first ever Challenge entry.

Here is my Heavy Bomber, a B52 Replica I made last night. It took longer than an hour (1:22) for the round trip, but hauled 28 FLT400 Bombs. 27 FLT400 Bombs successfully deployed (high level bombing), 1 slammed into my own bomber. The bombs don't show on the flight results due to loading a quicksave. Initial Mass: 147,770kg, Landed Mass: 71,842kg.

27 FLT400 Bombs: 216 pts.

Safety First (Face under 5 G-forces): 2 points (2.4g)

Lowrider (Go close in between the mountains): 1 pts (see images)

Score: 219 = (27*8) + 3 Bonus points.

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Updated original entry.
This is my first ever Challenge entry.

Here is my Heavy Bomber, a B52 Replica I made last night. It took longer than an hour (1:22) for the round trip, but hauled 28 FLT400 Bombs. 27 FLT400 Bombs successfully deployed (high level bombing), 1 slammed into my own bomber. The bombs don't show on the flight results due to loading a quicksave. Initial Mass: 147,770kg, Landed Mass: 71,842kg.

27 FLT400 Bombs: 216 pts.

Safety First (Face under 5 G-forces): 2 points (2.4g)

Lowrider (Go close in between the mountains): 1 pts (see images)

Score: 219 = (27*8) + 3 Bonus points.


Thank you, Quantammatt (B52) for participating! Oh, so.. that's why there was a tailing explosion...

- - - Updated - - -

I updated your score.

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