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Part Despawning

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Anyone know of a mod that will stop my vessels from being deleted when I drop them in the atmosphere?

I'm not looking for part cost recovery. I want to drop probes with chutes, and have them actually make it to the ground.

While I haven't actually tried it yet, I'm afraid they're going to be deleted.

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You will need to find a mod to extend your physics range.

If a vessel is outside your physics range and the exterior atmosphere of the craft is above a certain pressure, that craft is destroyed.

There are various mods trying to work around this issue, but as you have said you are not looking for part cost recovery, the only method I am aware of is extending the physics bubble.


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In 1.0 the physics bubble was increased to 22.5km, so it's much, much easier to create drop pods or to drop probes from planes. If 22.5km isn't enough for you, FMRS might be worth looking into. It doesn't require you to increase the physics range, but lets you fly each vessel separately in, essentially, parallel timelines which are then merged together into a final timeline.

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