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How do you feel?


How do you feel about the updates. Elaborate if you like.  

176 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the updates. Elaborate if you like.

    • Pre-1.0.0 is best!
    • 1.0.0 nailed it!
    • 1.0.1 was even better!
    • 1.0.2 is the way forward!

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Dear community,

I have been moving to a new home recently. As a result a have barely touched KSP 1.X. I have, however, noticed a lot of complaints about the updates and i have even heard of negativity towards the developers (and even some misplaced sence of entitlement..but thats besides the point..).

As some people have pointed out, people suck with changes. Besides, unhappy people tend to be more likely to voice their opinion. On the other hand, other people just call the updates ''different'' in stead of better en more realistic. And there are those who love the updates.

All of this makes me wonder:

Was 1.0.0 that bad? did 1.0.1 make it beter? Is 1.0.2 best?

I realise this is a matter of personal opinion so i am curious to the results of a sample test.

Thank you for your responses.

Kind regards,

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I'm all in favour of bugfixes, and didn't play 1.01 or 1.0 because initial KSP releases are ALWAYS bugged.

Squad just doesn't have enough testers to find everything, but that's where the user base comes in.

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Okay, well, first off I must say that I certainly don't play as hard as some of the biggest complainers/critics of the game. And of course criticism isn't all bad, but there is certainly quite a harsh amount of negativity.

In my experience, the game is working fantastically with the new updates. Sure, I don't push my game quite to the limits like some other players do, but it's all in the name of having fun and doing what I want to do. I happen to love the new aerodynamics, and they make flying things fun and exciting, particularly with the new camera wobble. Some users say that the wobble makes them nauseous, but it doesn't particularly affect me. In fact, during re-entry sometimes, when things explode, it becomes increasingly and horrifically hectic, things exploding and sounds exploding and the screen almost exploding from the wobble! It's intense. KSP hasn't quite made my heart beat like that before!

The other stuff is cool too, the new parts look nice, and I'm particularly loving the new ram intake, it looks very nice for planes I design with it. Other than that, the new dust and smoke effects are cool, and rocket design is much more challenging because you basically have to apply FAR principles to everything now. I didn't have much experience with it, as a religiously stock player (apart from KER, that is...) and the new learning curve wall has been pretty interesting to learn. I'm currently doing experiments with resource mining so I don't have a lot of information for you on that.

So that's basically my review! Hope it helps :D

Edited by Maximus97
Added an exclamation point to significantly emphasize my exclamation, of course!
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Biased poll is biased.

Of course pre-1.0 wasn't the best (no reentry heat and totally faulty aerodynamics being two biggest flaws) but 1.0+ versions were definitely rushed and are nowhere near of what they should be to deserve being called "1.0.something".

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Biased poll is biased.

Of course pre-1.0 wasn't the best (no reentry heat and totally faulty aerodynamics being two biggest flaws) but 1.0+ versions were definitely rushed and are nowhere near of what they should be to deserve being called "1.0.something".

Valid point. Still i wonder what people think.

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I still cannot avoid to occasionally run in circles flailing with my arms in pure joy of 1.0.2.

Ok, more reasonable answer: 1.0.2 is fine. There are a few things to improve like better heat, when I drop my capsules with insane speeds and unreasonable angles into an atrmosphere. And maybe the SSTO people have some nasty troubles. But I always preferred rockets, so it's an improvement for my play style. 1.0 was just ridiculous with it's low drag.

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I probably liked 1.0 a little more with how the atmosphere worked and how reentry was dangerous. But I wouldn't say 1.0 "nailed it." 1.0.2 is totally playable and I'm happy to be patient while Squad works on the next patch.

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I honestly feel like people are making mountains out of molehills on this. Squad has so far never disappointed me. Any issues there might be right now, I am 100% certain they will be fixed in due time.

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1.0.2 is the way forward for sure, but that doesn't mean there aren't a number of issues with it. But, I do think in another couple of releases things will be better still. As has been said on other threads, it's impossible to find a balance that will satisfy everyone.

On the other hand, it's the weekend! Proost!

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1.0.2 is the most fun I've had playing KSP since I first bought the game back in .23. I'm also playing closer to stock (still can't shake that mod habit) than I ever have, and I've been playing with FAR and DRE since my second save. We're in a place where things are good enough and stable, such that I'm not stressed about anything waiting for the next update. Re-entry heating is a bit underwhelming at this point, and there is still more tweaks to the aerodynamics (and part balance, specifically for planes) coming, but that's all to be expected. Career and contracts is another place where I'd like to see a more thorough balance pass, but I'm still having tons of fun in my late-game career planning all sorts of extravagant missions and acquiring sweet, sweet science.

So, in short, problems exist, but are being exaggerated and the worst of them will likely be fixed by the end of the month. That should definitely not keep you from diving in and checking things out, since even with things as they are right now, it's the best iteration of KSP SQUAD has ever delivered.

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Biased poll is biased.

Of course pre-1.0 wasn't the best (no reentry heat and totally faulty aerodynamics being two biggest flaws) but 1.0+ versions were definitely rushed and are nowhere near of what they should be to deserve being called "1.0.something".

agreed. i can understand the jump to 0.90 but skipping the last ten releases caused us to miss out on many features that could have been added.

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1.0.2 is the way forward but 1.0.3 will be awesome :)

Yeah, where's the 1.0.3+ options?

Of course that's counting our chickens before they hatch but Squad did squish a lot of the old bugs (just not enough of 'em to meet my standards of a 'release' game. Of course, the last time any game met those standards was probably 1997..), I'm expecting them to continue polishing.

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1.0.2 needs a few memory leaks fixed and it needs some tweaking so that direct-to-landing interplanetary transfer velocity aerobraking actually needs a heatshield. Those are the major issues to me. Yeah, they could tweak the aero parameters more so that spaceplanes are a bit more useful.

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I was last playing at making SSTOs with FAR+DRE with 0.90 (plus Tac-LS and RemoteTech, etc) more or less 'hard mode' 0.90 (or at least advanced intermediate hard mode, i wasn't playing with RSS).

So, 1.00 pretty much nailed it for me on all the big things. Integrated FAR+DRE, plus fuel cells, and they fixed the inverse square law for solar panels. Plus bigger landing gear for planes. It looks good. I already knew about proper gravity turns with rockets in FAR so I haven't had any issues with rockets flipping over or anything.

Not sure how I feel about science and career mode. Got real life to deal with so its been kinda slow plowing through career mode and getting science, and I never liked the science game much.

I suspect that I'll probably start playing sandbox after installing RemoteTech, TAC-LS, MKS/OKS and just focus on colonizing the solar system without too many deaths rather than playing career, but that's kind of my style anyway.

Haven't tried SSTOs yet. That looks like the most interesting challenge with 1.0.x

And as far as bugs in 1.0.0 goes... I'm part of the brotherhood of software developers and can appreciate how much work it clearly took to put out 1.0.0 and the fast turn around of bugfixing the critical bugs and releasing 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 is really the right way to go about it. There's probably a hundred bugs they could spend their time trying to fix and they could have released 1.0.0 next fall sometime. Instead release it now and let actual usage dictate the priority of the bugfixes, get the new features in front of people and the iterate quickly on fixing the biggest issues. People who are whining about 1.0.0 being buggy don't write software and don't understand how its written.

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They all had different pros and cons. I preferred the 1.0 aerodynamics but it had no many bugs. 1.0.2 has fixed the bugs but is a bit soupy.

I preferred the part balance in 0.90 to either of them. It seemed more realistic while the post 1.0 balance is done for game reasons with realism out the window.

1.0 onwards has cool new features which overall makes it a lot better than earlier versions though.

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1.0's aerodynamics were waaaay out of balance. I could get to orbit much with less DV than it took me when I used Ferram Aerospace. And going supersonic with basic jet engines should not be so easy. It's still pretty straightforward to break the sound barrier with the turbojet engines, though, so I don't know where the complaints of "Ugh! The sound barrier is so hard! Why can't I go supersonic?!!!" are coming from.

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My only issue with 1.02 is the memory leak related to temp gauges. It's hitting me hard for some reason.

F10 is your friend. Every scene change, every load...

My thoughts are that I like the move to .DDS, I can have more mods. I like the way modding has been made easier (in some ways) for people like Ferram in that (AFAIK) there are better hooks n stuff to remove standard aero etc. I like that stock craft now have to look slightly real and have to be built to cope with stuff that puts design restrictions closer to real ones in place.

I really really like the heat modelling that is now in place.

Part of me likes the nerf that jet engines now experience, it brings home some of the real world design challenges experienced by the people trying to make a real world SSTO, part of me just want totally overpowered unreal rockets, although that is the vastly smaller part.

I'm torn on the ISRU. While I like the way it makes long term mission criteria more viable, like bases etc it really brings home just how little there is to do once you land a kerbal somewhere.

Career seems more balanced than pre-1.0 although timewarp is your only friend when moving from multiple mun/minmus missons into your first Duna/Eve ones.

I'd like specific asteroid missions between Minmus and Duna ones.

1.0's aerodynamics were waaaay out of balance. I could get to orbit much with less DV than it took me when I used Ferram Aerospace. And going supersonic with basic jet engines should not be so easy. It's still pretty straightforward to break the sound barrier with the turbojet engines, though, so I don't know where the complaints of "Ugh! The sound barrier is so hard! Why can't I go supersonic?!!!" are coming from.

For me, I'm using Nu-FAR and it seems that transonic drag plays a huge part now. Much more than before. I'm really liking the design challenge. In Nu-FAR the sound barrier really is a barrier.

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