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Prototype I (The perfect Bomber/Plane) [With Drag Chute]

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Ever since 0.15 was released, I have tried to make the most perfect plane that I could. It had to be able to withstand relatively hard landings, It had to have loads of fuel for long distances, really easy to handle with joystick and lastly I wanted it to be light enough to run on half throttle and drop bombs.

And after a lot of failures, I cracked it.

(Note: The dihedral wing allows for the plane to self level 8))

Here is my result:








Here is the bomb version:



It also doubles as a boat, as you can eject the landing gear:

Although my attempt didn\'t go that well :P



Now with a Drag Chute:


If you download this craft then please send any pictures of you using it, in a reply so we can all share experiences :D.

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