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Rovemax M1 has several issues and with breaks, physical Timewarp and RCS

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I hope this is the right place to ask/describe this.

I've got an issue with the rovemax M1 tires - or maybe it is an issue with the physical time warp - i don't know.

I found this when doing a contract to put a mobile lab with space for 11 Kerbals on Minimus. This has been tested in vanilla 1.0.0 and 1.0.2 downloaded directly from the kerbal store.

I've got no mods installed at all - it's all vanilla.

But, to the problems:

First, when a vehicle is controlles by an OKTO, the breaks of the Rovemax do not seem to function at all. Whether they are applied or not does not make any difference - the rover just keeps going. The only way to stop seems to be deliberately going in the other direction. Naturally, since the breaks do not apply, stopping on a slope is also not possible - the breaks simply do not function. I checked the break torque (set to maximum), there is enough energy and the vehicle drives fine otherwise. Also, tests on the runway at kerbin seem to confirm this with the same build just having deployed. I can upload the design if needed.

Second, when driving the vehicle in pshysical time warp everything works fine. Drive it for about 30 seconds on 2x or 3x timewarp (just straight) and then apply the breaks. With a normal MK1 cockpit, that acctually works (hooray for Jebediah, he found the breaks), but the motors on the Rovemax do not stop using power. With the handbrake i'm able to come to a complete stop, but the tires each still suck 0.1 energy - constantly. Furthermore, if i loosen the handbreak the rover will start accelerating again without me doing anything. No SAS, no key press, nothing. Just loosen the handbreak and watch it going forward all by itself.

Furthermore, if the constant energy drain happens and there are RCS on the rover, it will also be constantly applied in the pitch down direction (W) - as that is the same as forward for the wheels. That is very annoying when driving a rover on minimus, as that launches pretty much any rover into a spin of death. Even when coming to a full stop (very hard to do without breaks) on a flat surface and then just turning on the RCS ® and not pressing any other button, the rover immediatly launches itself into a spin. The only fix i have found so far is to also apply SAS at the same time, but that constantly burns monopropellant/Fuel for no good reason. When quiting the game (it doesn't work when going to the space center or the main menu) and restarting it, the behavior is back to normal, until driven in physical time warp.

While this is not that much of a problem on minimus (i can use hoppers there - just have to change my designs), this will be a problem if i deploy a mobile lab/base to say, Duna or Eve. Fuel is much more expensive to get there, and having to restart the game every time the lab drives somewhere is kind of... not optimal.

Thanks for reading this and any suggestions/help you can provide.

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Your first issue - very weak brakes - is known and has been reported. The only workaround I know of is to never right click the wheels, in editor or flight.

EDIT: There may be a way to fix your wheels by editing the persistence file and/or the craft file, if you have them it would be great if you could upload them.

Your second issue sounds like you were holding down alt (for physical timewarp) while pressing W (for rover wheels forward), this engages trim (as does any alt + rotation key), you can tell by leaving your hands off the controls and disabling SAS and looking at the PYR indicator in the bottom left. If the pitch indicator is off the centre, you have trimmed.

You can solve this by pressing alt+x, which resets trim.

Edited by Supernovy
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Thanks for the quick answer. That explains the behaviour i was seeing. By the way, is that trim function documented anywhere, as i have never heard neither experienced this before (or did not notice it).

As for the wheels - i'll see if i can figure out how to fix them. If i do manage it, i'll post the fix.

Thanks again

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