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Project-K "Breaking the Rules" (.15 Stock)

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Turns out Kerb Scientist\'s have recently have been seeing strange hovering objects around the Runway.

No doubt Jeb is involved.

Okay enough backstory.

Thanks to some kind reply\'s in this topic the other day.


I decided to play around with the directional placement of Jet Engines in the Space Plane Hangar.

What Project-K is about, is breaking the norm that we are used too, when we think about Space Planes.








Now couple of tips before you guys download this Ship files.

1. Lock SAS at before launch.

2. Increase Thrust to get liftoff, then move throttle to just below the Lower Throttle Marking 'See last image above'

3. Use D with the next step to help push your aircraft in its flight direction.

4. Use F to release and Re-Orientate Aircraft.

5. Don\'t panic you have a Parachute 'No Promises though'

Final Thought\'s:

I dont plan on any further development of this craft 'Its Project-K for a reason, quick, dirty, and works 89% of the time'

Also I hope that more of you give the UFO - VTOL type aircraft a try.

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