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Career mode constructing of pre-made modules

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I think career mode could be more fun with these changes.

1.:Constructions&Satellite missions of pre-made objects

Adding probe missions, space station, and planetary base construction was excellent, as they are part of an ideal space program, and it also makes the game diverse, but they aren't like the majestic ones people do in sandbox mode. That's because in career mode, everyone tries to cut back on these missions, and they just build minimal stations, bases, and probes that only meet the minimal requiements. At least, in harder modes, I think

  • Pre-made satellites should be delivered to the specified destinations. (maybe fuel packed in them as a last stage, to assist)

  • Space stations and planetary bases should be constructed of pre-made modules.

So you could be
to do things. The cost
of pre-made stuff would not be included in the vehicle's cost. Constructions wouldn't be owned by the player, who was just hired to
them. The payment should be depending on the mass, number,
, and destination of these constructions. Non-editable pre made stuff could be temporarily saved as a subassembly. Build
things for profit.

2.: Servicing these

  • Getting paid for replacing crew, supplying rescoures (and the future life support systems), and delivering new experiments (maybe in containers like the ore container, but with science stuffs in them) to these bases, wich are not owned by you. And of course recovering the old crew, and the processed experiment results.

his would also create more use for smaller spaceplanes/shuttles, increase the need of an effective delivery vehicle.

I would like to see these in the career mode of the core game.

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