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Procedural Structural and Fuel Tanks.


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Procedural Structural and Fuel Tanks.

We have Procedural Fairing and Wings, the structural / fuel tank would be a bit like the B9 Procedural Interstage Fairing but created like the stock Procedural Fairings. Perhaps have fixed or preset starting base widths 1.25, 2.5 ..... and fixed max lengths.


Start with a 2.5m base build a normal looking tank with a notch in the centre with a width of 2m long and deep enough to put Mystery Goo Canisters / Basic Solar Panels / Batteries.....so they don't stick out on rocket designs.

Another use would be on aircraft so you could sculpt an aircraft fuselage adjusting its cross section.

These could either be assigned to be a structural part or hold LFO, Liquid Fuel or Mono based on volume.

Ideas?????.... Comments on how this would work possibly or not.

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This would work for a i trying to create but it would need multiple tweaked tanks, was thinkng more about building the tank you want the way the stock procedural fairing work, select your base size then use the mouse to design your tank length and size using one part.

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This would work for a i trying to create but it would need multiple tweaked tanks, was thinkng more about building the tank you want the way the stock procedural fairing work, select your base size then use the mouse to design your tank length and size using one part.

Using the stock method of fairing build, but instead for empty structural elements or fuel tanks... Yes I like this concept.

Anyway, KSP should have been built up from scratch with the procedural design.

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