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I've been interested in KSP for a while now, but only tried the demo about two weeks ago. I was immediately hooked and bought the full game after only a few hours of playing, and I have been happily shooting off rockets ever since. I'm getting pretty good at building and flying conventional rockets - I'm assembling a space station in LKO and mining/refueling operation over Minimus - but so far a working SSTO spaceplane has escaped me. I have been able to get to 75-80km apoapsis, but have usually required anywhere from 800 to 1200 more dV in order to circularize....

Anyways, I'm happy to join the community! :D

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Welcome aboard! Don't you worry, I've been playing for nearly two years and haven't got an SSTO yet... There's plenty of other things to do, though. Good work on all your stuff!

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I don't believe I've managed an SSTO either...Never really tried either though. And with the 1.02 aero I might not try. I'm not a fan of the "really long plane with tiny wings" thing that seems to be the only way to succeed now. :P

But welcome aboard! Enjoy the forums and more importantly, enjoy KSP!

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Mission complete! SSTO spaceplane successfully docked with my space station @ 100km orbit. Barely had enough fuel to get up there, and had to refuel a little to have enough to even de-orbit, but it was a success nevertheless.

Spaceplane is bottom left, also visible are a small tug (left) and a fuel tanker (right)


And I managed to land safe and sound, in one piece (though a little far away from KSC)


Edited by Goomblah
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