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How to use the new modules to find minable resources?

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I could not find any documentation/tutorial for the new resource mining system (The game itself is no help here, I think you can not play the game without the forum or the wiki, but that is another topic).

I have not yet unlocked the new parts for resource mining (or finding). But from the part descriptions in the tech tree it is not clear to me, how and where to use these parts. Which do you need to put into an orbit? Which do you need to put on a lander (besides the drill)?

How will the data these new instruments gather be presented? As an overlay like some mods did?

Will these new instruments generate sience points?

Edited by egoego
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The basic gist is this:

- Get the large clamshell scanner (I forget what it's called)

- Launch it into a polar orbit (inclination >80°) on a vessel that also has an antenna and a power source

- Unfold the scanner and start the scan. It will transmit data via the antenna, which costs power

- Once that is done, you can now access the resource overlay for Kerbin (or any other body you just scanned). This can be done in map view or the tracking station when selecting that body and using the third little button on the rightside border of the screen; or directly from the vessel that performed the scan, but that's usually not as useful because your camera view is constrained.

- Adjust the resource overlay to find a "hotspot", which is a point where resources still show up even with a high cutoff setting

- Land a vessel with a drill and an ore tank at that location

--- optional: a refinery, though you could also have the refinery elsewhere and transport the ore there

--- optional: a well trained Engineer Kerbal will massively improve your drill's performance

And that's it! The other two scanners are optional and just help you get more precise abundance readings in specific locations on the surface if you need/want it.

EDIT: I don't think you get science for this.

Edited by Streetwind
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There's a mega-thread somewhere that I can't for the life of me find, that explains it all. For now, here's a link tot he Wiki page:


In essence, to mine ore and convert it into the different types of fuel you'll need:

A drill and an ore tank to mine the ore.

An ISRU converter (possibly on a separate craft) to convert the fuel.

It's not possible to convert the ore straight into fuel without having an ore tank, so a craft with a drill and an ISRU wouldn't work, you'd need to add an ore tank.

EDIT: You don't necessarily need a trained engineer, but it will increase the mining efficiency. Personally I just have a robot do the mining ;)


This thread explains it better:


Edited by Sonny_Jim
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Thank you all for your help.

How could I not find those links by myself? (Maybe I didn't know I had to search for Ore on the Wiki ... :( )

But thanks to you I think I know now what I have to do once I unlook these parts. :D

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