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Republic of Chootopia Orbital Shuttle

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I\'m not sure if this is the right place for this, so please feel free to move it.

I wanted to show off my first Kerbal shuttle in an official orbit!

Still with final booster section attached.


Final booster separation.


In free orbit without it\'s boosters.


It has large amounts of RCS to help with adjustments, and will be using said RCS at it\'s Apoapsis in order to achieve re-entry. Around 12,000 meters I plan to initiate the main engine and perform a controlled landing. This design has had several landing tests and land to space to land transition tests, so it seems to be fully functional.

It\'s not pretty, it\'s not perfect, but it\'s a good start I think! What do others think?

**Attachment is for the VAB**

*Deleted from General and moved here*

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I left them up there for 7 Kerbal days while I worked on improving designs, and then decided it was time for them to come home. Using RCS they slowed their orbital velocity and were able to achieve re-entry, heading directly for the landing strip and coming in for a smooth landing without a hitch!



Next this crew will shoot for taking a spaceplane to the moon! A silly but entertaining project. :)

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Honestly, I\'m not quite sure what to think, with the pictures of it before landing so small. No offense meant; I just can\'t figure out a design I can\'t see.

The lander looks really cool, though; I\'m going to have to steal the idea of moving the RCS tanks forward.

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Honestly, I\'m not quite sure what to think, with the pictures of it before landing so small. No offense meant; I just can\'t figure out a design I can\'t see.

No offense taken. :) I\'ll take some pictures from the VAB to show off the design. That should help. Thanks for the feedback!

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Adding in the improved pictures of the launch system, as well as the RCS nodes for control/thrust in space. As a note, I\'ve removed all of the smoke from my engines to cut down on lag (commented them out), but everything is stock short of that adjustment:

Launcher design (mirrored). Likely overdone.


RCS Thrusters.


More RCS and just a nice picture.


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