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Reputation based Contracts

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So you may be thinking- isn't that what already happens? Yes. Sorta, better rep = more interesting contracts. But really, perhaps a more interesting concept might be, better rep with a certain company means stronger long term deals, better payouts, that sort of thing. I could even imagine rivalry among competing companies. So doing a lot of work for one company may turn off another- or on the flip side doing work for one big company may make another more eager to appease you with better contracts in the short term- depending on the 'personality of the company'.

It would require a re-vamped screen within your contracts, somewhere to gauge your contracts and 'working relations' with various companies. But it would put a lot more focus on reputation points. It would also clean up the contracts too. For instance, clicking on the company name could bring a drop down list of those contracts- rather than all being displayed at once.

I mocked up a pretty simple but easy to follow template to get a better idea of what I'm saying. This would basically take the place of the current left-side listings of contracts currently.


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Not to shoot down the idea, but why would it be this way? If anything, contracts are given to the lowest bidder.

Had the same thought. No idea how would that be implemented, though. Probably the whole gameplay would have to be changed for this to work.

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