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[0.15][Stock][Powered Glider]Delta Mk2 Turbo

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After a LOT of attempts and tweaking, I managed to build a rather large spaceplane (although, it couldn\'t get over 16km up; oh well...) that has a range of about halfway round Kerbin, as well as being capable of flying continuously as each set of engine shuts off. The central engine will shut off first, followed by the outermost, and the last set of engines will still have about two full tanks to burn. It\'s enough to keep it up until they too run out. It possesses no less than 5 engines.

Basically, this plane is capable of continuing its flight even when more than half of its engines have guttered out due to lack of fuel. In addition to that, it is also capable of a gentle glide into landing with zero damage ensuing. Without fuel. No engines running, dead weights.

It has three sets of wings -- the largest, main set is between the other two sets; the middling size, secondary set is above the main set; and the small, tertiary set of wings is attached to the outer engines hanging under the main wings -- PLUS a tailplane all of its own, with extra rudder control lent by three rudder surfaces -- two attached to the secondary wings, one in the tailplane -- and two Avionics Packages (which help keep this veritable monster under control).

All engines are TurboJet engines, so it can reach approximately Mach 2 and a little above that (I haven\'t paid much attention to its max speed sadly, but it is pretty fast whilst all engines are burning). It almost accomplishes Mach 1 under a minute after taking off, and can get to around 2/3 of Mach 1 with only two our of five engines burning :P

To fly it, follow these simple steps:

[list type=decimal]

[li]To takeoff, activate SAS and make corrections so it stays on the runway until the very end (no need to point the nose down; it\'s rather heavy).[/li]

[li]As soon as it leaves the runway (or just before) turn of SAS and pull up and then once you\'ve reached about 45 degrees angle of attack (which by all rights should be impossible), reactivate SAS to continue climbing.[/li]

[li]SAS should be left on when flying under most circumstances; it becomes VERY unstable when the engines are burning and unattended. It can be flown manually, but requires frequent corrections.[/li]

[li]Try to gain at least 10,000m altitude before the first set of engines sputter out (no pressure; it takes a good long while for the main one to conk out). This\'ll allow you to stay up until the last set of engines sputters out.[/li]

[li]To turn, roll in the direction you wish to turn and then apply yaw in the direction of turn (the direction you rolled in) and pitch up simultaneously (i.e. either A or D and S at the same time). It\'s possible to fly in reasonably tight circles without SAS; having SAS on results in substantially wider circles, but leaving it off can make the turn difficult to control.[/li]

[li]When all engines are dead, you can glide safely down, but do not attempt a water landing. All attempts at such a foolhardy endeavour resulted in the wings coming off and being destroyed, though the cockpit survived.[/li]

[li]When gliding down, keep it under control without SAS if possible. Let it fall a little and dive slightly and then pull up again to control the dive more effectively. At lower altitudes (under 5-8km), it\'s possible that these manouvres will increase your horizontal speed substantially if done correctly and often will allow you to negate your fall entirely and sometimes end up flying upwards again for a short time, but there\'s no defying gravity altogether.[/li]

Follow those, and you\'ll survive well enough. Now, pictures!

Here\'s a picture of its range (rough flight path in red, with notable turning points and suchlike clearly shown):


Aaand here\'s some pictures of the Delta Mk2 Turbo itself!















And then we\'ll come in to land halfway around the world...



And finally, the craft file. Enjoy. (Right-click --> 'Save Link/Target As...')


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The dropbox link opens up code only. You must put it in a .zip archive and provide the link to the .zip file for dropbox to allow ship exchanges.

Couldn\'t we just copy the text and put it into notepad and save it as a .craft file?

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Just made an intercontinental flight with this.

The attitude tends to pitch below the horizon when the engine isn\'t running and it\'s pretty slow (at least compared to rockets), but it works.

Would you be a dear and attach a .craft file to your reply to me?

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... you mean the one just up there in the OP? That IS the one he\'s using.

Also, just right-click and go 'Save Link As...' to save it properly. That ought to work without any issues.

And yeah, it does tend to pitch down. I found allowing it to dive for about 3 or 4 seconds before pitching up again allows it to regain its attitude pretty easily and convert some vertical motion into horizontal for a bit of a speed boost.

it does need a little balancing, perhaps a bit extra weight on the rear, or an extra wing (like it hasn\'t enough already :P) on the front... Hmm.

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... you mean the one just up there in the OP? That IS the one he\'s using.

Also, just right-click and go 'Save Link As...' to save it properly. That ought to work without any issues.

And yeah, it does tend to pitch down. I found allowing it to dive for about 3 or 4 seconds before pitching up again allows it to regain its attitude pretty easily and convert some vertical motion into horizontal for a bit of a speed boost.

it does need a little balancing, perhaps a bit extra weight on the rear, or an extra wing (like it hasn\'t enough already :P) on the front... Hmm.

Thank you so much for that :D Didn\'t know I could save it that way :3

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