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Any good Tycoon games that work on windows 8.1?


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There is a freerct.org but they haven't shown much progress in the last year.

The free version of the original tycoon game that started the whole genre is still updated and functional: openttd.org

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Roller coaster 1, 2, and 3 all work on Windows 8(.1). 1 and 2 turned out to be extremely future proof, and 3 is a relatively modern DirectX based game. Not really sure where you can get a hold of them though.

Steam has them as well as GOG.

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I got RCT3: Platinum in disk form. Old school man :cool:

I have the discs for all of them, I don't have all the CD-Keys though.

Though if you want to go old school, I still have the original space Quest on a 3.5 inch floppy and also 5 1/4 inch floppies somewhere.

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