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[Stock 0.15] ShuttleX1 - Reusable Orbiter and Glider

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The ShuttleX1 - A reusable shuttle orbiter that can perform unpowered landings (like the real shuttle) after an initial de-orbit burn. This craft is maneuverable as it\'s able to perform sharp turns, glide, and pitch as required in a stable manner. It is outfitted with two parachutes for quick braking, and has plenty of fuel for high orbit operations.


Required: Stock 0.15 only

Download: http://www./?a76bm5x1ccadivr







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From a 150k circular orbit, I burned retrograde about 45 degrees before KSC so my PE would be about 5km above KSC, this shuttle lets me turn around if I overshoot or I can glide forward if I undershoot the landing area.

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