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Problems with ModuleManager and FSfuelSwitch


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this is a cross-post from the MM-thread, as I hope to find a bit more help here (as it's a problem that might well be based on my understanding of FSfuelSwitch, I'm really not sure... So limiting my search for help to the MM-thread might be bad.

Okay, I'm having a few (well, actually one) Problems with variables, I think.

I'm trying to write a small patch that adds FSfuelSwitch to stock tanks.

@PART[fuelTank3-2]:NEEDS[Firespitter]:HAS[!MODULE[FSfuelSwitch]] {
// original values
resLF = #$/RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/amount$
maxLF = #$/RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$
resO = #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
maxO = #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$

// combined LF+O values
resComb = resLF
resComb += resO
maxComb = maxLF
maxComb += maxO

// create FSfuelSwitch
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; LiquidFuel; Oxidizer
//resourceAmounts = maxLF,maxO; maxComb; maxComb
//initialResourceAmounts = resLF,resO; resComb; resComb
resourceAmounts = 100,100; 200; 200
initialResourceAmounts = 100,100; 200; 200
basePartMass = 4
tankMass = 0; 0; 0
tankCost = 0; 0; 0
displayCurrentTankCost = false
hasGui = true
availableInFlight = true
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true

// delete temp variables
!resLF = null
!maxLF = null
!resO = null
!maxO = null
!resComb = null
!maxComb = null

// delete original resources
!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}

I used the example from page 142, but it doesn't quite work.

You see, I commented my initial code (resourceAmounts & initialAmounts with variables) out, as it didn't work. The FSfuelSwitch-MODULE itself works fine, as the dummy-code with 100 and 200 as values worked as expected.

Where did I went ...... and ....ed things up? :(


Yeah, for one tank this is overengineered, but one might assume I want to extend the functionality to more than just the jumbo-tank ;) also more resources.

Edit: I'd also appreciate any comment on the code, I'm not that experienced and just winged the whole @PART:NEEDS:HAS-thing, dunno if that's actually done well :D

Edit: In case it helps, fsFuelSwitch did show the expected GUI in the Tweakables (also showed the available resources in the tooltip)when I used the variables in the code, but it didn't show any actual resources in the Tweakables.

Edit: Okay, it's getting weirder and weirder...

	resComb = #$resLF$
resComb += #$resO$
maxComb = #$maxLF$
maxComb += #$maxO$

// create FSfuelSwitch
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; LiquidFuel; Oxidizer
resourceAmounts = #$maxLF$,#$maxO$; #$maxComb$; #$maxComb$
initialResourceAmounts = #$resLF$,#$resO$; #$resComb$; #$resComb$

Ingame, FSfuelSwitch is now displaying

"LiquidFuel 100/100" (no Oxidizer),

"LiquidFuel 75/75",

"Oxidizer 200/200"

I even deleted (not only out-commented) the "dummy-lines" with 100,100;200;200, just to make sure... So no Idea how those numbers end up in-game... Halp! :(

Edited by cy-one
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  • 2 weeks later...

Read the ModuleManager manual about variables. This code works (I've made it myself):


//This patch adds FSfuelSwitch to bipropellant tanks (LiquidFuel+Oxidizer).

[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Oxidizer]] //change to LiquidFuel if you want to have FuelSwitch on jet fuel tanks as well
lfifplusox = #$/RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/amount$ //liquid fuel if plus oxidizer
oxifpluslf = #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$ //oxidizer if plus liquid fuel
lforox = #$/lfifplusox$ //liquid fuel or oxidizer
@lforox += #$/oxifpluslf$

!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer
resourceAmounts = #$/lfifplusox$ , $/oxifpluslf$ ; $/lforox$ ; $/lforox$
basePartMass = #$/mass$
//tankMass = 0;0;0
//tankCost =0;0;0
displayCurrentTankCost = false
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = false
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true

I'll make a thread for it soon.

Oh, I see what did you mess up. You need only one # before using variables. You place # before using every variable. FSfuelSwitcher gets #75 instead of just 75. If you look deeply into logs you'll find something like this:

[LOG 17:32:30.268] FSfuelSwitch: error parsing resource amount 0/1: ' #100 ': '#55'

Edited by micha030201
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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to necro this but I need a bit of help:

		name = FStextureSwitch2
		nextButtonText = Next resource
		prevButtonText = Previous resource
		statusText = Current resource
		switchableInFlight = true
		repaintableEVA = false
		textureRootFolder = MacLuky/SmallTAC/
		textureNames = hexempty;hexfood;hexwater;hexlifesupport;hexoxygen;hexwaste
		objectNames = Untagged
		textureDisplayNames = Empty;Food;Water;LifeSupport;Oxygen;Waste
		useFuelSwitchModule = true
		fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5

I am trying to clean up the TAC parts that clutter my part list. I can't get them to switch textures properly. Looking at the .mu file I think the mesh is named Untagged or HexCan. I tried both, but am still puzzling. Can anyone give me a pointer? Fuel switches properly, currently figureing out how to hide the parts.

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