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Pilot vs Avionics Hub vs Unmanned


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What is the advantage of using a Kerbal pilot vs other Kerbonauts or an unmanned drone?

A lvl 0 pilot only provides SAS, which is also provided by the OKTO probe, and it isn't that hard to unlock (I just went straight down that branch on the tech tree so I can test spacecrafts without hurting Kerbals.)

I am about to unlock the Avionics Hub, which looks like it'll replace any level of pilot specialization, and it is a lot lighter than adding an extra manned command pod. I always try to recover my manned spacecrafts, so its high price tag isn't that big of an issue.

Also, once I unlock the remote guidance probes (probably be a while), does that supersede both Kerbal pilots and the Avionics Hub? It looks like the probe does everything the others can do and do it cheaper... Probes use electricity, but not that much, and batteries aren't that heavy nor expensive, so it's not much of a drawback.

So, when would I ever want to use a Kerbal pilot except at the beginning of the game when my techs suck? Do lvl 5 pilots have some awesome abilities that I'm not aware of? Both the engineers and scientists perform functions that cannot be replaced by any other Kerbals or techs (I land jets with parachutes since I'm a terrible pilot and bring Bill along to repack them so I can take off again; I bring Bob on all science expeditions for the science bonus and resetting experiments), so it seems odd that the pilots appear so replaceable. Whereas Jeb and Val just hangs out in the astronaut complex all day since I unlocked the OKTO probe...

If pilots really provide nothing but SAS and direction locking, Squad should definitely consider adding some perks to Kerbal pilots. Jeb and Val's badS-ness should not be replaceable by some machines!

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Crew Reports!

EVA Reports!

Surface Samples (after unlocking those)

taking the experiment out of goo canisters and junior labs, so you do not have to return those heavy things from Mun...

Pushing... getting out and pushing the return pod sometimes really is the only way to get home... rarely, but it does work.

planting flags!

Edited by heng
forgot flags
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Does it have to be a pilot Kerbal though? The description makes it sound like it can be any Kerbal, so I was planning to bring a scientist...

The remote guidance probe (the one really far down the tech tree) doesn't need Kerbals at all right? So once I unlock that, are pilots obsolete?

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There seems to be some misunderstanding about my question. I'm not just asking manned vs unmanned, which I've found threads that discuss that. My question is also pilot vs non-pilot Kerbals. Non-pilots can do all the reports and EVA and pushing (I suck at that) and planting flags, too. So, if I had a manned mission, why would I send a pilot?

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ah, sorry. misunderstood you question.

then yes, pilots are the most easily replaced specialization of the three. if you can live without having to automacigally find the right spot on your navball - which only takes a few seconds tops.

but think about your poor passengers, would Bob and Bill really accept leaving for a two years Duna mission without Jebediah? I mean, pilots are not strictly necessary, but the human... err kerbal touch of it just feels right (unless you are flying with Andreas L.) ;-)

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I assume you are talking about career mode, but in sandbox the only reason for a kerbal is that he can get out of the craft and plant flags or operate things. And the coolness factor of having a living being on another planet ;)

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With the avionics hub and probe cores, SAS gets turned off everytime the battery level hits 0, for example the bursting elelctricity use of antennas. It can be an issue when doing lots of transmitting on the shadow side of a celestial body.

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Pilots might be useless, just remember to always add something with SAS on your vessel. I once risked using a 1-kerbal lander with a scientist for bonus science on duna. Lander had no probe core. Landing was super easy (just used chutes). Taking off from Duna without SAS, though, was a freaking nightmare!

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I see, so pilots aren't that useful unless I expect to be in the shadows a lot.

Follow-up question about electricity hitting 0, won't that kill all the in-line reaction wheels, too? I usually put quite a few of those around my ships (they work wonders for poor pilots like me!) Can a Kerbal pilot still use reaction wheels with no electricity? Or will the Kerbal pilot only have access to torque from (the less magical) manned command pods (I think those don't need electricity), RCS (seems like a waste of monopropellant) and control surfaces (useless in space)? I guess some SAS is better than no SAS...

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pilots don't magically make reaction wheels work without electricity. But in the case of an antenna using up more power than the solar panels produce, because the antenna uses electricity in bursts, the power will recharge a little between the bursts so that reaction wheels will work a little bit. But in complete absence of electricity, reaction wheels shut down as well. That doesn't mean that SAS is completely useless. Engine gimbals need to be controlled too.

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