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For The Stealthiest...

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Who here can build a stock

F-117? Compete to see (or not see :P) how your replica stacks up!vScCq2R.jpg

Despite the "F" designation, it is (was) a bomber. So, here are your specifications:


  1. Have an internal weapons bay
  2. Be able to carry two bombs internally, with a total weight of 2 tonnes
  3. Be subsonic in level flight @ 10 Km
  4. Follow the general shape of the F-117
  5. Be crewed

The above specifications are requirements to have your entry considered. If one or more is not met, I will add you as a Gatecrasher.


  • Carry one crew member maximum (+100)
  • Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)
  • Have two engines maximum (+100)
  • Be able to operate at 14,000 m (+70)

These are the highest-scoring point categories.

Would be Nice's:

  • Have a 1720 Km Combat range (+25)
  • Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)
  • Max Speed @ 10 Km is 275 m/s (+15)
  • Cruising speed @ your cruising altitude is 275 m/s (+15)

These are based on the actual specifications of the F-117


  • GTFO: contain a ejector seat (+10)
  • By the Book 1: Have a length of 20 m (+10)
  • By the Book 2: Have a wingspan of 13.2 m (+10)
  • By the Book 3: Have a height of 3.7 m with wheels up (+10)
  • Signed by the Author: Meet BtB 1,2, and 3 (+15)
  • Slow and Steady: Have TWR ≤ .40 with full fuel and bombs (+10)
  • Wobblin' Goblin: Be unflyable without SAS enabled (+10)
  • F-19: State your desire to participate and show a teaser of a stealth plane which is not a prototype of your entry (+5)
  • JDAM: Design a pair of unpowered, guided bombs to work with your plane (+10)
  • JSOW: Design the best JDAM which meets the above bonus. A totally subjective category. Impress me! (+5)
  • Going the Distance: Have in-flight refueling capabilities (+10)
  • So you think you can fly, punk?: Submit a video/pictures showing a full refueling in the air. Must start with 10% or less of your total fuel load aboard (+50)


  • I'll let you off with a warning: Use a turbojet (-10 per jet)
  • Speeding!: Use a R.A.P.I.E.R (-20 per engine)
  • Speed Limit: During level flight @ 10 Km, go faster than 295 m/s (-10)
  • No, it's not the SR-71: Get confused about which plane is which (-5)
  • No, it's not the X-15: Use oxidizer in your engines (-10, only applicable to RAPIERS if they switch to closed cycle) (Oxidizer may be used for balancing)


  • Level Flight is flying with +/- 10 m/s vertical speed.
  • Operations @ 14 Km means taking no more than 30 seconds to do a 180 horizontal turn.
  • Combat range: be able to cruise out, bomb, and land at KSC.
  • Unflyable: requires constant corrections when flying @ cruising speed and altitude, "when you even touch the keys, it jumps all over, and you have to constantly correct for the twitchiness."
  • BtB 1,2, & 3: A tolerance of ± 0.5 m will be considered acceptable.
  • TWR: After no more than one (1) minute of flying, check your thrust @ 500m and your weight in the map view. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME WHEN NON_STOCK PARTS MAY BE USED! You may also use an info mod, such as KER or MJ to see and post your TWR after no more than one (1) minute of flying.


Add up your scoring and penalties. Post in this thread with:

1. Your craft's name, score, and bonuses

2. Pictures in the SPH, flying, and bombing

4. Completion of various bonus objectives, i.e. GTFO'ing for GTFO

4. Any other information you want to add


1. TheLongRun; Fallacy-117, 415, The reigning Champion!

2. builder396; KSP F-117, 330, GTFO at its simplest ;)

3. sgt_flyer; F-117, 320, JSOW, in MRS' words, "Just imagine a white F-117, perfect in every detail."

4. Starwhip; Strike Kite, 310, had to restart from scratch after the original was too Wobblin'

5.Thomas988; The Guppy!, 270

6. burnoutforzai; F-117 Murica, 200, Wonderful replica, but lost a lot of points on the turbojets




The Mad Rocket Scientist; The F-117, 305; Likes to invent new scoring and ignore the real ones :P

burnoutforzai; F-117 MURICA, 145; A beut!

ihtoit; Bat and F-117A Stealth Replica, two-two-two planes in one! But he used non-stock parts...






A badge for participants will be added shortly!

Now looking for additional bonuses!

Banner by ghostbuzzer7

Edited by Dman979
Updated Rules and Definitions
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The "F" in its designation was to get around the NATO/WARSAW treaty on not deploying bombers with in a certain radius of central Europe. This is why the F-111 Aardvark was designated with the "F" for fighter when clearly it was a bomber.

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A televised documentary quoted a senior member of the F-117A development team as saying that the top-notch USAF fighter pilots required to fly the new aircraft were more easily attracted to an aircraft with an "F" designation for fighter, as opposed to a bomber ("B") or attack ("A") designation.

But either way, it doesn't matter too much. Want to give it a shot? :cool:

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I may give it a try when I get time. Not a big fan of the F-117 Wobbly Goblins look, not very aerodynamic seeing as I us FAR it makes it nearly impossible to fly without real fly by wire controls.

I am sure I can come up with something. Never concerned myself with stealth seeing as all of my aircraft are SSTOs.

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Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Have two engines maximum (+100)

Be able to operate at 14,000 m (+70)

Have a 1720 Km Combat range (be able to cruise out, bomb, and land at KSC) (+25)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

GTFO: contain a ejector seat (+10)

By the Book 1: Have a length of 20 m (+10)

JDAM: Design a pair of unpowered, guided bombs to work with your plane (+10)

point total: 420/510 82.35%

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Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Have two engines maximum (+100)

Be able to operate at 14,000 m (+70)

Have a 1720 Km Combat range (be able to cruise out, bomb, and land at KSC) (+25)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

GTFO: contain a ejector seat (+10)

By the Book 1: Have a length of 20 m (+10)

By the Book 2: Have a wingspan of 13.2 m (+10)

By the Book 3: Have a height of 3.7 m with wheels up (+10)

Signed by the Author: Meet BtB 1,2, and 3 (+15)

JDAM: Design a pair of unpowered, guided bombs to work with your plane (+10)

JSOW: Design the best JDAM which meets the above bonus. A totally subjective category. Impress me! (+5)

My game seems to be broken and the little box that shows height width and length doesn't work so I needed to sorta guess the dimensions but I compared them to picks and my other craft and its about right.

455/510 89.22% (with BTB 2 & SBA)

430/510 84.31% (without BTB 2 & SBA)

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Edited by TheLongRun
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I've never done a challenge here on the forums before, but I thought I might do something different today. :)

Name: The Guppy

My F-117 has met the following criteria: carry one crew member (100), have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (50), have two engines (100), have a wingspan of 13.2 m. (10), and be unflyable without SAS enabled (10). This totals up to 270 points.


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Edited by Thomas988
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This is really interesting! But wouldn't also a requirement be "be unstable to the point of being un-flyable even with the SAS?" As the real one was basically uncontrollable without an advanced fly-by-wire system. ^_^

(SAS is a horrible excuse for fly by wire and is more of a hindrance than an aid, and doesn't really count)

Edited by Phearlock
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Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Have two engines maximum (+100)

Be able to operate at 14,000 m (+70)

Have a 1720 Km Combat range (be able to cruise out, bomb, and land at KSC) (+25)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

GTFO: contain a ejector seat (+10)

By the Book 1: Have a length of 20 m (+10)

JDAM: Design a pair of unpowered, guided bombs to work with your plane (+10)

point total: 415/490 84.69%


I'm making a video with more specifics, It might be a bit.

Very nice! Can I see it in the SPH? I would also like to see the bombs you made and the bombing run. For the time being, you'll have your very own category: SkunkWorks! :wink:

I've never done a challenge here on the forums before, but I thought I might do something different today. :)

Well, there's a first time for everything!

My F-117 has met the following criteria: carry one crew member (100), have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (50), have two engines (100), have a wingspan of 13.2 m. (10), and be unflyable without SAS enabled (10). This totals up to 270 points.



Beautiful version of an (IMO) ugly plane! Added as #1, will change shortly :P

Also! A second new category has been added! F-19's are those who have expressed desire to participate and have shown a picture of a stealth craft.

Good luck!

- - - Updated - - -

This is really interesting! But wouldn't also a requirement be "be unstable to the point of being un-flyable even with the SAS?" As the real one was basically uncontrollable without an advanced fly-by-wire system. ^_^

(SAS is a horrible excuse for fly by wire and is more of a hindrance than an aid, and doesn't really count)

Lol, I agree that SAS is kinda crappy for planes, but it's the closest we've got right now.

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Okay, so I'm a gatecrasher, because I couldn't get a weapons bay stuffed in this thing, and I couldn't make it climb subsonicly. :)

The F-117:

Crew +100

Fly-by-wire +50

2 engines +100

14,000 M operation +70

Wobblin' goblin +40

F-19 (already noted :)) +5

Speed limit -10



Added to Gatecrashers with 355 points, removed from F-19's. Nice job, it looks great!

EDIT: Whoa, a Gatecrasher who makes his own scoring, too! The Wobblin' Goblin is only worth 10 points in my version.

Edited by Dman979
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Added to Gatecrashers with 355 points, removed from F-19's. Nice job, it looks great!

EDIT: Whoa, a Gatecrasher who makes his own scoring, too! The Wobblin' Goblin is only worth 10 points in my version.

Whoops, sorry about the scoring mistake. :blush:

- - - Updated - - -

Wow, I think I have another scoring mistake, I used turbo ram jets, and I just realized that that is a penalty, it might work with basic jets, I'll check. :) In the mean time, remove those 10 points. :blush:

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Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Have two engines maximum (+100)

Be able to operate at 14,000 m (+70)

Have a 1720 Km Combat range (be able to cruise out, bomb, and land at KSC) (+25)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

GTFO: contain a ejector seat (+10)

By the Book 1: Have a length of 20 m (+10)

JDAM: Design a pair of unpowered, guided bombs to work with your plane (+10)

point total: 415/490 84.69%


I dont know if this is enough info if not I've got more lol ;)

Wow, very nice! I love the JDAMs; I'm making a new bonus for best JDAMs and you are the current recipient! And very impressed by the GTFO seat. Nice work! But can it be beaten?

Total Score: 420 and current holder of Best JDAM!

Added as current leader!

Whoops, sorry about the scoring mistake. :blush:

- - - Updated - - -

Wow, I think I have another scoring mistake, I used turbo ram jets, and I just realized that that is a penalty, it might work with basic jets, I'll check. :) In the mean time, remove those 10 points. :blush:

I was wondering how you were able to get the Basic jets to go supersonic...

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Wow, that looks beautiful! I'll add you as a gatecrasher. Want to tally up your points?

Sure thing :D

Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

Max Speed is 275 m/s @ 10 Km (+15) (Near enough at sea level)

I'll let you off with a warning: Use a turbojet (-60 The drag is crazy on the replica)

Edited by burnoutforzai
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Sure thing :D

Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

Max Speed is 275 m/s @ 10 Km (+15) (Near enough at sea level)

I'll let you off with a warning: Use a turbojet (-60 The drag is crazy on the replica)

Added with 145 points! Honestly, I expected better from such a wonderful replica.

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Okay, so with basic jets, the scoring has changed quite a bit, here's the new scoring:

Still a gatechasher, however, it is still subsonic.

Carry one crew member maximum (+100)

Have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (+50)

Have two engines maximum (+100)

Max and Cruise speeds are the same (+40)

Wobblin' Goblin: Be unflyable without SAS enabled (+10) (It can fly without SAS, it just needs constant control input, your call.)

F-19: State your desire to participate and show a teaser of a stealth plane which is not a prototype of your entry (+5)

The plane looks almost the same, but here are some awesome pics:



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Constant control input? Aboout how much? Say, would it take 15/20 seconds to spin out of control/stall/nose down/flat spin? Or more along the lines of "when I release the controls, the Kraken takes over?"

Also, even with the modifications, your score is still the same- 305.

Edited by Dman979
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