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For The Stealthiest...

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More replica challenges, huh? I can try.

Build a stock F-111 with variable-sweep wings XD

Well, AFAIK landing gear bearings are impossible in 1.0... but I've also seen craft using the little steerable wheels as gear bearings. :confused:

Either they fixed it in 1.0.1/2 or it was only the plane gear that stopped working.

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Now, now, don't go and stab us in the back like that. :P

Nice try, though. Where'd you get it?

Don't worry, it's pretty broken in 1.02 :P

This guy made a bunch of planes like that...he has the F-117, the crusader, the jet corsair, f-14, f-16, f-18, and f-22. All realistic models. It's crazy. He hasn't fixed them yet for 1.02 though. Which stinks.

It's hilarious though, when trying to take the F-117 off, the wings pop off, leaving only the fuselage. (which is an all in one cockpit/engine/intake/fuselage)

It has reaction wheels, so it flies better without wings XD

The author posted a "kinda fix" config edit for them for 1.02, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. You wanna give it a shot Star?

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