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SR-71 Blackbird - Version 0.15

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I know it\'s not exactly like the real thing, but I did the best I could with the stock parts in the game. Hope you guys like it, cheers.

Special Instructions:

Keep in mind this is designed to look much like the real thing, so I threw the ability to have maximum control out of the window. That being said - Hold the brake and do not release unless your engines have hit 100% thrust as shown in the video - only then, do you want to begin accelerating the aircraft. You will only generate the lift you need right when hitting the edge of the end of the runway. At this time you need to be lifting and right as your nose picks up, stabilize the aircraft or it will go out of control. When turning, do it in small amounts, giving the craft time to stabilize on each degree you turn. Too much turning at once or too fast will send you out of control. If there are any problems or improvements that could be made, please feel free to let me know or do them yourself, it\'s a community plane :]

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Beautiful replica. What is this 'brake' you refer to? Some key binding to brake the landing gear?

If your controls are default, holding B acts as a brake on the plane. As soon as it loads, hold B down so it doesn\'t start to roll. You want to have your engines at max before taking off so you get the speed you need to lift at the end of the runway, and every bit of the runway counts. Hope this helps ^^

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If you\'re going for scale, I\'d replace those front intakes with two backwards facing aerospike engines (make sure not to fire them!) :P otherwise, brilliant job!

Great idea, working on another version and will totally do that :)

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If you\'re going for scale, I\'d replace those front intakes with two backwards facing aerospike engines (make sure not to fire them!) :P otherwise, brilliant job!

Aww, you beat me to it! They could be used as awesome reverse thrust, lol.

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Nice replica!

However, you must bear in mind that the SR-71 only has the flaps + Canards as the tail fins, your design has flaps every where!

As a result, its super agile, which according to records the real SR-71 was not!

More a speeding train, with a simular turning circle! :D

However I have been working on a SR-71 WhiteBird Design from Testing phase.

I\'d like too release here, save another Thread! ;)

Mine has a single Parachute + ASAS.

I STRONGLY advise, that when been flown for 20-30 minutes, Pilots restrict fuel leaving the central fuel tanks, an especially the ones at the front!

My SR-71 is Tail heavy, so burn the fuel from the Tail + Outer tanks first... If you dont you\'ll soon find your self in a Flare induced stall. With no possitive out come!

My SR-71, is lazy an slow too turn, but still easy enough, will cruise happily at 12000+ Meters, an I have had it too 16010Meters

PS: Tried the reverse spike engine, resulted in some funny! Going back wards flying! :o

All comments welcome:

Picture + Craft file below!

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All aboard the Blackbird-train!

I decided to go for a scale look on mine, and threw performance out the window. It will take off and (just, there\'s only a few kgs in it) fly with the two main engines, but I have added an aerospike in the middle (for aesthetic purposes) which can also be used for a boost. On landing, it\'s possible to fire the two aerospike engines, or the \'intakes\' to slow the aircraft down tremendously.

Anyway, here\'s my take on it. (there are control surfaces all over this thing, even the cockpit is made of ailerons)


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Maybe it\'s totally me, but I found something that helped your design a little bit(Sinstrite) is that if you included an Adv SAS directly behind the cockpit it improved stability in your craft greatly. Without it, I found it kinda hard to fly it.

Just me though, I\'m not that good at using these planes yet.

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