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Is this speed possible?

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I was recently just having fun with KSP trying to make a space plane. Little did I know that I have created something that was insanely fast. If you can tell me if this is the fastest possible speed on KSP. Just to make things even more clear, I have not had any mods installed on KSP besides the Dark Multiplayer Mod or did I hack or cheat. I think I glitched my Space Plane when I started going 400 m/s, It's parts would fly around and make a mess. I am still asking anyone and to post proof that they have reached 4 trillion m/s, yes I did say 4 trillion m/s I got a few screen shots. Well only one, But I think this might be enough proof to show you guys, that I am one lucky person.

First screen shot : http://prntscr.com/75pjy4 2.6 trillion m/s

Possible fastest record : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108725723/screenshot/538522940658627159 4 trillion m/s

I hope you all know that this speed is insanely fast and cannot be achieved (I think from simple rocket boosters or the Monopepelent thrusters).


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Many players, myself included, have seen this before. Not your screenshot, but this behavior. It isn't uncommon for some glitches involving part clipping or low quality terrain and landings to send parts or kerbals flying off at many times greater then the speed of light. Search for threads that talk about "Karken" and you will probably find a lot of info pertaining to whatever you did to cause this :cool:

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Many players, myself included, have seen this before. Not your screenshot, but this behavior. It isn't uncommon for some glitches involving part clipping or low quality terrain and landings to send parts or kerbals flying off at many times greater then the speed of light. Search for threads that talk about "Karken" and you will probably find a lot of info pertaining to whatever you did to cause this :cool:


There is a list of Kraken on the Wiki. I have a few of my own (e.g. KSP fall throughs and other Jeb killers).

A kraken is any unexpected or unrealistic scenario where craft of kind is lost do to an inadequacy or bug in the game. For example approaching Kerbol in past versions of the game resulted in speeds were adjacent parts would collide at damaging speeds due to the position updating processes in the game engine. Another kraken was ship would spontaneously disintegrate or explode at 6500 meters (a major transition altitude in the game). There are warp kraken (e.g. KSP jeb killer), but also you could pass through Kerbin at the highest warp without getting killed or be thrown from the kerbol system (or more commonly fail to jump out of warp at 70K altitude and pass through kerbins atmosphere without loosing any orbital energy). Mech Jeb had its own kraken, for example if you set autointercept for a planet at a certain orbit, it might try to pass through the planet to achieve the orbit (at a warp you would not survive). Part number kraken in which ships under low acceleration or coming out of warp would suddenly oscillate violently and self-destruct. For 0.5M rockets if you place winglets on a part and then turn it using the SAS you could get it to fly through the atmosphere and reach space again. Physicsless parts like manuevering thrusters stacked and given infinite fuel could reach the speed of light (this one was demoed on You-tube).

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