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Part Packs Based on Historical or Present Spacecraft [Non-stock]


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Listing of Mods/Part Packs (Alphabetical)

Mod Name - System(s) Summary

BobCat's Historical Spacecraft - Soviet Engines, Soyuz, Progess, MIR, Lunokhod, Kliper, Proton, N1, Buran Shuttle, Orion, Ares I, Ares V

Component Space Shuttle - Space Shuttle

Chaka Monkey - Orion, SLS, MLS, EMLV

FASA - Pioneer, Explorer, Mercury/Redstone/Atlas, Gemini/Atlas, Apollo/Saturn, Nova


Launchers Pack - Atlas V, Delta II, Falcon 1,

LazTek SpaceX - Dragon, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, SHERPA

Proton 8K82K(M) - Proton Rocket

N-1 (11A52) - N-1 Rocket

Salyut Stations & Soyuz - Vostok, Voskhod, Salyut, Soyuz, Progress

Skylab - Skylab

Soviet Probes & Rockets - Progress Block L, Luna 9, Luna 10, Molniya-1, Luna 2, Sputnik 1-3, Voskhod, Vostok, Proton

SNC Dreamchaser - DreamChaser, Atlas V, Centaur

Space Factory - Voskhod-2, Angara, Vostok, Luna-17

Tantares - Soyuz, Progress, Salyut, TKS, Cygnus, ATV, MIR, Vostok

Tantares LV - Proton, R-7 (Soyuz-FG), Ariane 5, Antares Rocket, Castor Upper Stage, N-1, V-2

US Probe Pack - Pioneer, EOS sats, NEO sats, Galileo, Magellan, TDRS, MESSENGER, Vanguard, Dawn, Deep Impact, Deep Space 1, NEAR, Stardust, Ulysses, IUS Booster, PAM, Tiros, GRAB, TransitA, Explorer

Just to name a few... If I have missed any of your favorite mods, please let me know and I will update the list.

Edited by Probus
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