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Can someone identify this mod?


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I noticed this seat mod in some of Robbaz's older videos. I dunno if I can link to them because they contain swearing so I took some screenshots of it.

I'm aware this mod probably hasn't been updated in forever if it does still exist, so it might not work, but it looks like a fun little part and I'd love to have it if it does still work.






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Could you link the video anyways? I think it may be fine if you don't embed it and give a profanity warning.

Also, I searched those images in Google Images and nothing turned up, unfortunately. (

Okay, here's the video (profanity warning!):

That mod probably isn't alive anymore, anyways.

Look at the old VAB in the first picture.

Yeah, it probably isn't. :( I would still like to know what it is though, I've been trying to find it for months now.

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even if the mod died, it looks like its just a dif model for the external command seat (likely its own part files etc), all of that would still work any version

The Kerbals have their IVA expressions though, it looks like it's a mod that puts the IVA model in the seat, instead of the EVA model.

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