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Minmus rover explosion?

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Been playing since .21 and for the most part have been able to solve any problems I have with forum searches, and or trial and error but I cant seem to find anything on this issue.

So, I have a Minmus miner (Mk3 body, XL3 Rover wheels, and Claw AGU, etc) I mine and refine on this rover and then attach and transfer to a simple fuel tug (Kerbodyne S3-7200, and 4 swivels).

All of this goes incredibly smoothly, I disconnect, brake the rover, switch to the tug and take off.

However, at about 800m up, the rover just explodes. F3 reveals the crew has been killed.

I don't currently have any photos, but I'll try again and see if I can add some.

EDIT: Problem seemed to have fixed itself, so marking thread as answered.

Edited by emaier138
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