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Veto Aerospace SSTO spaceplane 'Vulcan'

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The Veto Vulcan is a single stage to orbit spaceplane with a passenger capacity of 12. Whether it could reach Minmus and return will be assessed, although VA can confirm that once in Kerbin orbit, just 354.8 Kg of fuel remains. Its space engines, being nuclear, have high thrust with high efficiency. It is uncertain whether this efficiency is enough for activity away from Kerbin orbit. It is almost certain that a smaller version with no passenger capacity culd reach orbit with far more fuel on board. However, such a vessel could not easily double as a science ship - wheras the Vulcan can do so. This vessel has the space for experiments that might normally have to be done on a much more expensive, and [technically] non-reusable space station. It can also act as a shuttle for space stations.

The craft utilises a cranked arror wing configuration with a T-tailplane.

Reentry and landing capabilities have not yet been assessed.





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