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Uninstalling Active Texture Management Mod

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I have Active Texture Management mod Basic x32 installed, and I want to remove it. My question is since its just a file size reducer, does that mean there is no way to 'uninstall' it? Even if you uninstall it the files should remain compressed right? So do you have to have a fresh install of KSP and your mods to undo it, or does unchecking the box and following the uninstall process through CKAN do the job? (I use CKAN for every mod)

Any help would be appreciated.

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No, you can delete it just fine. Delete the ActiveTextureManagement folder from your GameData folder. ATM caches the compressed textures in a subdirectory of its folder -- it never touches Squad's textures. You don't have to reinstall KSP either.

Edited by lincourtl
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ATM is Active Texture Management, keyword is active. The plug in resizes the textures in memory as KSP is loading. It doesn't alter the source files. So if you remove ATM, the next time you start up KSP will just load from source files like normal. No fuss no muss.

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