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4,5, and 8+ kerbal pods/capsules?


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Why not just add more hitchhiker pods on to Taurus ? IMO they hold to many all ready but if you wanted just edit the file and put what you want just might bug if you go IVA with a kerbal that don't have a seat.

EDIT- And Taurus HCV if read it right thats 7 in the command pod and if you added there hitchhiker pod which holds 8 thats 15.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Look at the size of a kerbal next to any pod and tell me what looks silly lol and you want more then 8 lol to funny makes me think of all the clowns getting out of the car at the circus lol.

EDIT- I have to say thank you lol you made my night, I'll be laughing at that in my sleep :D

EDIT- But you do think this looks silly nGHd2tY.jpg

Edited by Mecripp2
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What ?

EDIT- That, I thought it was funny ?

EDIT- Wasn't trying to be after, I started laughing about all them kerbals getting out of the pod and in your mind your thinking how many more can there be lol :)

Edited by Mecripp2
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