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Looking to trade Just Cause 2 + JC2 PRIMA E-Guide on Steam (for your Cards/Gems)


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Hello All

Hope this is OK to post.

Just posting on the off chance that someone wants to trade with me for a digital copy (STEAM) of JUST CAUSE 2 (with bundled PRIMA STRATEGY E-GUIDE) ?

I am interested in being traded, TRADING CARDS and GEMS, possibly with the addition of backgrounds/emoticons if you really get stuck.

I am open to cards from quite a list of games, including :



Kerbal Space Program



Crusader Kings 2

Democracy 3


The Walking Dead 1







Prison Architect

Project Zomboid

Sid Meiers Civilizaton V

Sid Meires Beyond Earth

Space Hulk



AI : War Fleet Command

Chainsaw Warrior

Dont Starve

Dying Light

Europa Univalis IV

Forest Of Doom

Game Dev Tycoon


Gods Will Be Watching

Gratuitous Space Battles

Killing Floor

Organ Trail

Payday 1

Payday 2

Sang Foid : Tales of Werewolves

Sid Meiers Ace Patrol

Surgeon Simulator


The Escapists

The Ship

This War of Mine

Tropico 4

Tropico 5

Universe Sandbox



A Valley Without Wind


Battle vs Chess

Dead State



Frozen Synapse

Jagged Alliance - Back In Action


Lunar Flight


Neo Scavenger

Omerta - City of Gangsters

Paper's Please

Sid Meier's Ace Patrol : Pacific Skies

Sir You Are Being Hunted

Trapped Dead

War For The Overworld

Worms Revolution

NOTE1 : Low value cards are approximately worth (to me) about 40% of a KSP card. Assume its pretty linear from there ;) I would appreciate a selection of cards, rather then all from one game. Also FOIL's will be given extra value depending on the set they are from (generally from 2 - 5 depending on the game). GEM's are worth approximately 200-400 a card.

NOTE2 : I always hate it when someone posts a trade request but does not give you any idea of a ballpark figure. So I will do my best to avoid this mistake. For me, if the cards were all high value I would say about 25-35 cards. This is just a ballpark figure as it does depend on the trade. Hope it helps.

Finally I am a card collector, not a card trader, so I am only interested in cards/gems. I am looking for a fair trade, not one that disadvantages either side.

Thanks for reading. All the best.

ADDENDUM : Please respond to this thread if you are interested and we can "negotiate" on steam. My steam username is "Dichotomy".

Edited by Dichotomy
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