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Experience Point gains working properly?

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I have been playing 1.0* for a while now and was wondering if experience points are being applied correctly? I have done several missions and met various milestones on Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus with regards to flight, flyby, orbit and landing (on Minmus). So far xp has seem to have been applied correctly, however I just sent a mission to Minmus (after previously completing flyby, orbit and landing without flag placement) and had all 3 members of the crew place individual flags but when we recovered on Kerbin all 3 members only got 1xp.

Based on the chart I've seen on the wiki and various other posts from .90 it would seem we should've gotten 6xp for that.

Am I just missing something or is this a bug? Any input would be appreciated.

Edited by WookieeRoar
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Between planting a flag and just landing, there is a really small difference now so that you won't have to plant a flag thus spend unnecessary time planting 100 flags for your kerbal army .) The difference is so small you might not even notice it looking at the bar between a kerbal that planted a flag and haven't planted a flag but landed. I personally don't bother with it since you don't even need to land on every planet to reach level 5.

Edited by n0xiety
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Only the highest score you get for each body counts - so if you have already landed without placing a flag a second voyage and placing a flag will only upgrade your minmus XP score from 5 to 6 - 1 extra XP point.

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Only the highest score you get for each body counts - so if you have already landed without placing a flag a second voyage and placing a flag will only upgrade your minmus XP score from 5 to 6 - 1 extra XP point.

What you are saying is true but actually it only gives 0.5 more xp. Im not sure if it gets rounded to 1xp

Edited by n0xiety
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Only the highest score you get for each body counts - so if you have already landed without placing a flag a second voyage and placing a flag will only upgrade your minmus XP score from 5 to 6 - 1 extra XP point.

Oh I see... I was assuming that you could get 5.xx for landing and then an additional 6.xx for flag placement (on a separate mission). I didn't realized you could only achieve a single maximum score for flag placement.

While it seems like it will take longer to get xp that way, at least I wont be doing flybys, orbits, landing and flags all separately. Seems the thing to do is just land, place flag and move on... at least for xp.

Thanks guys for your responses.

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