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A Question about Externally conducted experiment and the mobile proc lab

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So, i was testing just how MPL works, and i found something weird (well it is weird to me atleast, im new :P)

i had a lab manned by 2 lv1 scientists, and it had 4 exp parts attached, these are Goo, Temp, Pres, and Mat experiments

When i conduct those from the vessel at the launch pad, i got 0,0,0, and 1 science data available for the lab

but when i got yet another lv1 scientist to run the experiments externally, i got 3,2,4,8 instead, 16 science data difference (which if im not mistaken is like, a 80 science point difference?)

So my question is what happened here?

Edited by Ferrous
grammar, mine sucks
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I'm not motivated to test it to confirm, but it may well be that the game considered the Kerbal on the ladder to be "flying over Kerbin's Shores", not "landed on the launchpad", assuming you mean he was on a ladder on a craft on the pad.

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I'm not motivated to test it to confirm, but it may well be that the game considered the Kerbal on the ladder to be "flying over Kerbin's Shores", not "landed on the launchpad", assuming you mean he was on a ladder on a craft on the pad.

I actually thought of that and did some of the test on the ground, doesn't seem to change things.

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