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Reproducable crash with aircraft.

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Reproduction steps: Build an aircraft using tier 4 tech level parts or lower, attempt to fly to Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn. The game will crash over the desert well before you get there. (Something like a half hour of flight.) There will be a windows message that the game crashed. There will not be a crash folder.

Game Version: 1.0.2

I have lots of parts mods but this plane is mostly stock. The fuel tank is from KW Rocketry and one science instrument from DM orbital science. I don't think either has anything to do with it. I also have KJR, Transfer Window Planner, Docking Alignment Indicator, precise node. The remainder are all parts mods, whose parts are not on the plane.

Spacecraft have no issues.

Edited by Leszek
Issue resolved.
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Well, I now have crashes with error logs, it seems I am running out of memory after about a half hour of flying. Some sort of memory leak then would be my guess, but I am not sure where to go next to track down what is causing the leak. Contents of the error folder are linked below.


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I have basically the same problem, flying near a planet's surface always crashes the game after a short while - I have various mods but only a few parts mods (gamedata is less than 1GB, yet KSP uses more than 3GB right from the start?). Reducing ground scatter helped a bit, and reducing texture resolution is a short term solution if I want to finish a flight, but no matter what I do (and what mods I uninstall) it always crashes after a while. Flying in space has not crashed the game for me yet, it usually crashes when I return to the Space Center...

Edit: "-force-opengl" as a start option reduces memory useage too, but drops the framerate (for me, at least). And press F10 if parts of your plane overheat.

Edited by JohnnyBB
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Ok so I turned off the heat overlay (F10) and low and behold I was able to fly just fine. Now unfortunately I flew north this time meaning I changed two things. Tomorrow I am going to try flying to Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn again to see if I can make it now.

Also I have ground scatter all the way off, supposedly the associated memory leak has been cured but I don't want to deal with the doubt at the moment.

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So I flew to Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn with no issues, and also then flew to the badlands. I also found posts complaining of a memory leak with the heat overlay on.

So it seems that this case is open and shut.

Geese squad I do wish you didn't try to skip the release candidate step.

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