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My first successful post-1.0 SSTO Orange Tank craft [1.0.2]

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I recently created my first successful SSTO Orange tank after the 1.0 patch. I had actually not played since .23, so meeting the new challenges caused by the aerodynamic changes as well as tinkering with new toys made this take a good deal longer than I hoped. Its not exactly the most pretty Spaceplane either, aesthetics is usually something that lacks a bit in my designs, but it does its job and can lift at least 36 tons to at least 120km (maybe more/further with skill and care).


  • 260 tons unladen (296 tons with Orange Tank loaded)
  • 12 Rapiers, 8 Turbojets, 20 Ramjet Intakes, 1 Rhino
  • Around 18k Fuel and Oxidizer (20.5k-ish with the Orange Tank)




Download Craft File here. No fancy name for it yet because I suck at naming stuff.

Non-wing clipped parts:

  • Only two, both are PB-NUKS embedded between the cockpit and the first rocket fuselage to provide infinite SAS power

Custom Action Groups:

  1. Switch Rapier Mode and Toggle all Intakes.
  2. Toggle Rapiers.
  3. Toggle Turbojets.
  4. Toggle Rhino.

Flight Profile:

To orbit:

  1. [*=1]Ascend to 8km at subsonic speeds.
    [*=1]Between 9-11km level out and break the sound barrier.
    [*=1]At 550-600 m/s resume ascent
    [*=1]Disable Turbojets once flameouts begin to occur
    [*=1]Once Rapier Thrust drops below 150 (around 22km), switch to Closed-Cycle and Activate Rhino.
    [*=1]Once Apoapsis Hits 80-90km cut engines and coast out of atmosphere, disable Rapiers and use fuel efficient Rhino exclusively to circularize and perform orbital maneuvers.


  1. [*=1]Drop Periapsis to desired level (but not too steep); try to descend onto same continent as KSC.
    [*=1]Orient plane upright and set SAS to Prograde.
    [*=1]Deploy Airbrakes until below 1000 m/s.
    [*=1]Use more efficient Turbojets for landing exclusively unless fuel is in excess.


  • Plane cannot pull up until it reaches the end of the runway. Recommend not pulling up until shortly before then to maximize speed.
  • Extreme maneuvers in atmosphere can cause rapid unplanned disassembly, especially when fully loaded. Maneuver with care.
  • Plane not intended to land when near maximum laden and fueled weight, but it is possible if done very very gently.
  • Current configuration not intended to directly dock, though it could be reconfigured to without much difficulty. My current use for it is to place it 100 meters away from my space station then use an RCS tug to retrieve and attach the Orange Tank.

I am open to improvements and constructive criticism, please provide them if you can.

Edited by KarateF22
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Strangely, what's happening is that you're giving it too much fuel, which saps it of both delta-V and TWR. I've launched an orange tank on a Mun flyby with about half the fuel you're using. Check out Rune's thread under Rocket Builders, he's got a lot of examples of proper fuel-cargo portioning. And only some of them are witchcraft. xD And the most lifting power you're gonna need for that much cargo is a Mainsail.... o_o You'll get the hang of it soon enough.

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